
Friday Feb 28, 2025
#164 | Alcoholism and Law Enforcement with Special Guest Bob Y.
Friday Feb 28, 2025
Friday Feb 28, 2025
Ever wonder what it’s like to be a police officer AND an alcoholic? Well, wonder no more. Today we have a very special guest, Bob A., who found his way to sobriety after getting a DUI from a co-worker. Tune in to hear him talk about what life was like in the LAPD and how he worked to bring more awareness to the disease of alcoholism to his department and the law enforcement community.
Thanks for joining us and sharing your amazing story Bob!
Check out our sponsors. By supporting them, you help support the show and keep us bringing new stories with more and more hope and inspiration.
☕Brainwashed Coffee https://www.brainwashedcoffeeco.com/
Discount code: otherside
👕 Stay Stopped Recovery Brand Apparel https://staystopped.shop/
All sponsors of the show give back to the recovery community.
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.🔥
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find help with overeating at a 12 step meeting for food
Refuge Recovery website
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
📸 IG: https://www.instagram.com/othersideofhell_recoverypod/
👍 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
❌ Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
🤳 Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Friday Feb 14, 2025
#163 | I Am The Problem | Marco's Warstory
Friday Feb 14, 2025
Friday Feb 14, 2025
A wise man once said, “if you meet three assholes in a row, odds are, you’re the asshole.” What did it take for you to realize that YOU were the problem? Tune in this week to hear us rant about what it took for us to see clearly, that it wasn’t anybody or anything but our own making that was our undoing.
This week’s topic was inspired by an amazing story from Marco. What did it take for Marco to start buying in that his response to using and drinking wasn’t normal? Tune in to find out and hear how, even in sobriety, he found God’s path in his actions while paying for the things he’d done while actively using.
Thank you, Marco, for sharing your story!
Learn more about Journey to Solutions and find out how they may be able to help you or someone you love begin the road to recovery. https://journeytosolutions.com/
Check out our sponsors. By supporting them, you help support the show and keep us bringing new stories with more and more hope and inspiration.
☕Brainwashed Coffee https://www.brainwashedcoffeeco.com/
Discount code: otherside
👕 Stay Stopped Recovery Brand Apparel https://staystopped.shop/
All sponsors of the show give back to the recovery community.
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.🔥
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find help with overeating at a 12 step meeting for food
Refuge Recovery website
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
📸 IG: https://www.instagram.com/othersideofhell_recoverypod/
👍 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
❌ Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
🤳 Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Friday Jan 24, 2025
#162 | Reservations in Sobriety | Mike's Warstory
Friday Jan 24, 2025
Friday Jan 24, 2025
What does it take to get us to finally realize we have a problem? That we can’t just casually drink or use? A lot.
Why is that? Oftentimes, we are holding on to the fantasy of what the substance CAN give us. We have reservations that keep us from fully admitting to our innermost selves that we are alcoholics or addicts and that we must find a way to abstain completely.
Our topic this week, reservations in sobriety, comes to us from Mike. Mike shares his story about what it was like to grow up and use with his addict parent and how easy it became to justify using after a freak accident left him near death.
Later, even after suffering severe consequences, Mike, like many of us, was determined to find a way to use and drink successfully. Today, he has finally let go of the idea of drinking/using like a gentleman and instead embraced the idea that a life in recovery brings him closer to being the man his family has always wanted and needed.
Thank you, Mike, for sharing your story!
Check out our sponsors. By supporting them, you help support the show and keep us bringing new stories with more and more hope and inspiration.
☕Brainwashed Coffee https://www.brainwashedcoffeeco.com/
Discount code: otherside
👕 Stay Stopped Recovery Brand Apparel https://staystopped.shop/
All sponsors of the show give back to the recovery community.
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.🔥
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find help with overeating at a 12 step meeting for food
Refuge Recovery website
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
📸 IG: https://www.instagram.com/othersideofhell_recoverypod/
👍 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
❌ Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
🤳 Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Friday Jan 10, 2025
#161 | 2024 - A Year in Review w Special Guest Jordan Y.
Friday Jan 10, 2025
Friday Jan 10, 2025
A new year is a great opportunity to look back and reflect on moments and events to take stock. It's not always easy to see growth when we’re constantly in a state of action but when we do, it’s important to really soak it in. Gratitude is the fuel that can rocket us into the fourth dimension.
This week, instead of a warstory, we’re doing something a little different. Thanks to you, the fans, we have our first in-studio guest in our new space. We couldn’t think of a better person for this christening of our new equipment than The Other Side of Hell’s own Jordan Y. Listen in as the three of us share what the last year has been like and the opportunities that are always around us.
Thanks to everyone who supported our GoFundMe. This allowed us to get everything we needed to make it possible to have guests in-studio again!
Check out our sponsors. By supporting them, you help support the show and keep us bringing new stories with more and more hope and inspiration.
=======================================================☕Brainwashed Coffee https://www.brainwashedcoffeeco.com/
Discount code: otherside
👕 Stay Stopped Recovery Brand Apparel https://staystopped.shop/
All sponsors of the show give back to the recovery community.
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.🔥
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find help with overeating at a 12 step meeting for food
Refuge Recovery website
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
📸 IG: https://www.instagram.com/othersideofhell_recoverypod/
👍 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
❌ Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
🤳 Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Friday Dec 27, 2024
#160 | Living Amends | Richard's Warstory
Friday Dec 27, 2024
Friday Dec 27, 2024
We've all done some things in our past that we regret. Most, but not all, we can chalk up to the mess that was us while in our active addiction. If we're lucky enough, we get to grow through a process of making amends. But how do we make amends to those people we hurt but do not know directly? Or to those who have passed on? That's where living amends come in.
This topic was inspired by this week's warstory from Richard. Tune in to hear how growing up with an alcoholic father played a roll in both his alcoholism and his recovery. It took an awful lot to get Richard to a point where he recognized it might be a problem and once he did, he was able to surrender fully to the program of Alcoholics Anonymous. Every day since, and one day at a time, he has continued to turn himself over to a god of his own understanding and to make living amends (and direct amends) to those he had harmed.
Thank you Richard for telling your story!
To learn more about SOAR, visit https://schoolofaddiction.org/
Check out our sponsors. By supporting them, you help support the show and keep us bringing new stories with more and more hope and inspiration.
☕Brainwashed Coffee https://www.brainwashedcoffeeco.com/
Discount code: otherside
👕 Stay Stopped Recovery Brand Apparel https://staystopped.shop/
All sponsors of the show give back to the recovery community.
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.🔥
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find help with overeating at a 12 step meeting for food
Refuge Recovery website
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
📸 IG: https://www.instagram.com/othersideofhell_recoverypod/
👍 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
❌ Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
🤳 Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Friday Dec 13, 2024
#159 | Full Trust | Kyle's Warstory
Friday Dec 13, 2024
Friday Dec 13, 2024
Let’s face it, when we were actively using and drinking, life didn’t make a whole lot of sense. Self-pity and fear ruled over us and we were convinced that the universe was conspiring against us. We looked at everything through a broken lens and it seemed nothing could go our way.
Then, for some of us, we were given the gift of desperation and began the work and surrender of getting sober. We began to see how our story, no matter how shameful and embarrassing it may be, could be used to help others. Suddenly, we started seeing life happening for us instead of happening to us. We began to trust in a higher power and when faced with situations that used to baffle us, we could now surrender our will and have faith that the universe was on our side. What was once, we thought, working against us, was now working for us.
This is full trust. And while today, we may be better at letting go and letting God, it has not been an overnight process. Just ask Kyle.
This week’s warstory is from Kyle, from the SOAR program, locally here in Ogden, UT. His story is a great example of the arch that can take place in a recovery lifestyle. We go from being convinced the world is out to destroy us to trusting what the universe has in store. Tune in to hear him talk about how self-pity accelerated his disease and took him to a place where he was losing everything. He’ll talk about what it took to finally surrender and what life looks like today.
Kyle is now working to help others in the treatment program that played a crucial role in his early sobriety.
Thanks Kyle, for sharing your story.
To learn more about SOAR, visit https://schoolofaddiction.org/
Check out our sponsors. By supporting them, you help support the show and keep us bringing new stories with more and more hope and inspiration.
☕Brainwashed Coffee https://www.brainwashedcoffeeco.com/
Discount code: otherside
👕 Stay Stopped Recovery Brand Apparel https://staystopped.shop/
All sponsors of the show give back to the recovery community.
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.🔥
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find help with overeating at a 12 step meeting for food
Refuge Recovery website
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
📸 IG: https://www.instagram.com/othersideofhell_recoverypod/
👍 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
❌ Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
🤳 Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Friday Nov 22, 2024
#158 | The Spiritual Connection | Bill's Warstory
Friday Nov 22, 2024
Friday Nov 22, 2024
The alcoholic suffers from a spiritual malady, or so it says in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. What does that mean? And how can we change it? And how do we build and improve on that spiritual connection?
This week, we’re talking all about the spiritual connection, a topic inspired by the amazing warstory from Bill. Bill was the son of an alcoholic and grew up without a father. When his alcohol got out of control he said his first honest prayer and never drank a drop again. But, the alcohol was keeping him from being restless, irritable and discontent. And without it, it was only a matter of life, once again, became unmanageable. Tune into to hear what life is like for Bill today.
Thanks Bill, for sharing your story!
Follow Bill on IG at @billwardlife and check out The UDR Podcast for more of Bill and his guests as they share their experience, strength and hope.
Check out our sponsors. By supporting them, you help support the show and keep us bringing new stories with more and more hope and inspiration.
☕Brainwashed Coffee https://www.brainwashedcoffeeco.com/
Discount code: otherside
👕 Stay Stopped Recovery Brand Apparel https://staystopped.shop/
All sponsors of the show give back to the recovery community.
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.🔥
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find help with overeating at a 12 step meeting for food
Refuge Recovery website
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
📸 IG: https://www.instagram.com/othersideofhell_recoverypod/
👍 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
❌ Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
🤳 Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Saturday Nov 02, 2024
#157 | Prayer Life | Kelsie's Warstory
Saturday Nov 02, 2024
Saturday Nov 02, 2024
It doesn’t matter where you're from, what your background is or who your mom is, if you’re an alcoholic, odds are you’ve said a prayer or two. We don’t always know who or what we’re saying it to but there is something about it that we naturally turn to in times of need. So what is the power of prayer? Let’s talk about it.
This week’s topic was inspired by an amazing warstory from Kelsie! Kelsie grew up sheltered but found her way into hardcore drugs through the way of pain pills after a series of accidents. After losing custody of her children and facing some hard charges, she was forced to sober up courtesy of the state. Though bitter at first, she can now see just how much this saved her life and is grateful for it.
Listen to her story and hear her talk about her own journey with prayer, becoming a believer and the role it plays in her recovery.
Thank you, Kelsie, for sharing your story!
For more information on Recovering Addict, visit https://www.recoveringaddict.org/
Check out our sponsors. By supporting them, you help support the show and keep us bringing new stories with more and more hope and inspiration.
☕Brainwashed Coffee https://www.brainwashedcoffeeco.com/
Discount code: otherside
👕 Stay Stopped Recovery Brand Apparel https://staystopped.shop/
All sponsors of the show give back to the recovery community.
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.🔥
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find help with overeating at a 12 step meeting for food
Refuge Recovery website
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
📸 IG: https://www.instagram.com/othersideofhell_recoverypod/
👍 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
❌ Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
🤳 Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Friday Oct 18, 2024
#156 | "Choose Your Hard" | RC's Warstory
Friday Oct 18, 2024
Friday Oct 18, 2024
Let's face it. Recovery is work. Whether you're newly sober or finally doing something about your compulsive overeating, there is no doubt that the road ahead will be challenging. But you know what else is hard? An alcoholic still in the disease. Or someone who struggles with food navigating life in an oversized body. If we're lucky, we'll get to choose which path we take.
Our topic, "choose your hard," is inspired by this week's warstory from RC Thurston. RC was athletic when he was young and got away with pretty much eating whatever he wanted. But later, when the pressures that can accompany adulthood weighed him down, he turned to food to cope. Now, he has found the courage to submit to the help that is being offered, and finally take getting healthy seriously. His life depends on it.
Tune in to to hear an incredible story from RC about compulsive eating.
Thank you, RC, for sharing your story!
For more information on Recovering Addict, visit https://www.recoveringaddict.org/
Check out our sponsors. By supporting them, you help support the show and keep us bringing new stories with more and more hope and inspiration.
☕Brainwashed Coffee https://www.brainwashedcoffeeco.com/
Discount code: otherside
👕 Stay Stopped Recovery Brand Apparel https://staystopped.shop/
All sponsors of the show give back to the recovery community.
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.🔥
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find help with overeating at a 12 step meeting for food
Refuge Recovery website
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
📸 IG: https://www.instagram.com/othersideofhell_recoverypod/
👍 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
❌ Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
🤳 Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Friday Oct 04, 2024
#155 | The Withdrawal Experience | Ronny's Warstory
Friday Oct 04, 2024
Friday Oct 04, 2024
Have you ever wondered what it's like to go through withdrawal from opiates or alcohol? Have you experienced it first hand? To say the least, it’s a sobering up like none other and often times, can lead to some pretty monumental growth. But it sure doesn’t feel that way when you’re going through it!
Just ask Ronny. In Ronny’s warstory, you’ll hear how quickly drugs become an everyday occurrence in his life, once he decided to partake. From there, his use would have him bouncing between moments of brief pleasure followed immediately by drastic and disastrous consequences. Hear about how he committed crime in a black out and woke up in jail. About how again and again rehab didn’t work because he didn’t care enough about himself to decide it was worth it. Nothing worked…. Until it did.
Tune in to hear what it took to get past the fear and embrace a life he never expected.
Thank you Ronny, for sharing your story!
To contact Ronny, look at Ronny Mezher on IG, FB or snapchat.
Check out our sponsors. By supporting them, you help support the show and keep us bringing new stories with more and more hope and inspiration.
☕Brainwashed Coffee https://www.brainwashedcoffeeco.com/
Discount code: otherside
👕 Stay Stopped Recovery Brand Apparel https://staystopped.shop/
All sponsors of the show give back to the recovery community.
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.🔥
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find help with overeating at a 12 step meeting for food
Refuge Recovery website
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
📸 IG: https://www.instagram.com/othersideofhell_recoverypod/
👍 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
❌ Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
🤳 Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!