
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
"If your intention is powerful, your action will be powerful. If your action is powerful, your results will be powerful."
In the morning we lay our groundwork for the day. If we start with intention, and follow through with action our chances of success increase exponentially. So what is "intention?" Let's talk about it.
In this episode Willy and Cameron talk about intention. Willy gets in to his morning workout and how he puts specific intention behind every rep. Cameron tries to investigate what intention actually is while talking about his own experience with it. Tune in to hear them get deep with it.
Our warstory this week comes from Stephen who, after you've heard his story, you'll agree is quite a badass! Stephen was drinking because that just seemed to be the thing to do. After the death of a close relative, he started drinking to numb the pain. As it progressed, the disease started having massive consequences on his health and he was told he could never drink again. Little did he know at the time that putting down the bottle was just the beginning of the many challenging things he would face and overcome in his journey. It's a story you won't want to miss and we're honored to share it with you!
Follow Stephen at @stephenstaysclean on Instagram!
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @theothersideofhell101
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Remember you are the most important part of the show!

Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
"It takes what it takes." This is a saying we hear often around the recovery community. But what exactly are we saying when we say this? We have to get to a place where the pain of staying the same outweighs the fear of staying the same. Only then do we become willing to do the things we don't want to do.
In this episode we're joined by long-time brother in recovery Cole T. Cole has a way of sharing his experience that makes it easy to identify. Together with Cameron and Willy they dive deep into the importance of willingness. Tune in to hear what it was like and how this plays a role in their lives today.
Our warstory this week is a powerful story from Brittany, a new friend and wonderful voice in recovery. Brittany built her identity around being the party girl in order to give her the validation she was after. Being well educated kept her in denial about her addiction as she was far from the alcoholic living under the bridge. Her journey with opiates eventually led her to becoming a full on junkie. Faced with some dire alternatives, she finally took getting sober seriously and looking at her today, you would never know the road she has traveled. She works on social media to break the stigma of recovery and spread a positive message of strength and hope. We're honored to share her story with you.
Follow Brittany on Instagram @brittanyjadeanthony_ and check out her YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCJVaSOrlSBiDYNAd1XlhWw
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @theothersideofhell101
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Remember you are the most important part of the show!
Attached are links to the usual graphics.
Thanks again for all you do!

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
It's that time of year! Everybody is talking about setting goals for the New Year! And why not? For most of us, it's the perfect time to consider the slate clean, start fresh and go after all the things we failed at doing last year. So what makes this year different?
On this episode Willy and Cameron talk all about resolutions. Why talk about resolutions? Because where had been our high resolve! Remember all those time we swore off drinking! Swore we'd never use again! And for what? We had to get to that jumping off point before we were willing to get the help we needed. So what did that teach us about ourselves and about goals? It's worth talking about!
Our warstory this week comes from Sydney! Caught up in the thrill of the rebellion that alcohol made her feel, she pursued her disease with reckless abandon! The toll it began taking on her body wasn't enough for her to put down the booze all together. It wasn't until a close and personal glimpse at an alcoholic death touched her that she was able to let it go. Hear what life is like for her today! Thank you Sydney for sharing your story!
Follow Sydney on Instagram at @skiddokiddo for more great insight!
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
Check out our website for official TOSOH merch!
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @theothersideofhell101
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Remember you are the most important part of the show!

Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Anger used to rule our emotions. There wasn't much that wouldn't send us over the edge and having us lash out. Anything that stood in the way of drinking and using was a problem. And anger seemed a natural response when we couldn't control the relief we felt from putting that substance into our bodies.
Fortunately for us and those around us, today things are different. In this week's episode Cameron and Willy get into what anger looks like in their lives today. Tune in to hear their perfectly imperfect response to anger and what it means for them when that emotion which can be so damaging rears it's ugly head.
Our warstory this week comes to us from Richard Kostas, leader of men and former party animal! For a long time Rich thought that drugs and alcohol would add to his life but after spending some considerable time caught up in the mess of addiction, it became clear that he was missing all the beauty of the world around him. After some deep reflection he finally realized that he was his own worst enemy. Hear him talk about what is working for him now as he continues to stay sober one day at a time!
Follow Rich on IG @richkostas!
Who is Wes Watson? Check out his official website here: https://shu.weswatson.com/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @theothersideofhell101
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Remember you are the most important part of the show!

Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Personal Development
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Our recovery means a lot to us. It was after all the largest hill we had to climb in order to begin working on ourselves. But what happens after we're sober for a while? How can we continue to grow, learn and evolve after we've sobered up? How important is having a personal development plan to our lives at this stage of the game?
In this episode, Willy and Cameron are joined by Frank, executive director of School of Addiction Recovery (SOAR) and recovering addict/alcoholic. We get into his story of how he came to be in Utah, what life was like while using, what led him to sobriety and ultimately a position to give back through a non-profit organization. His story takes him all over and puts him in a unique position to identify with people from diverse backgrounds. Hear as we get into how to build on what we learn in the early days of sobriety.
Our warstory today comes from Mike in New York. After landing in Rikers Island for a robbery, the time in jail really allowed him to fine tune his addiction. Once out, a number of O.D.'s still weren't enough for him to take getting sober seriously. Hear how he finally became willing to do what was necessary and what life is like for him now as a recovery peer advocate and trauma informed addiction specialists .
Follow Mike on Instagram and join in our recovery community!
IG: @mikesnicenyc
IG: @schoolofaddictionrecovery
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SchoolOfAddictionRecovery
Follow The Other Side of Hell!
IG: @theothersideofhell101
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
If you or anyone you know is battling addiction, depression or mental health, know that you are not alone and that help is available. Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com and we'll be happy to do everything we can to assist you in getting the help you need.
More help can be found at https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline or by calling 1-800-662-HELP (4357). They can assist you in getting the help you need in your area or otherwise at no charge.

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
It's easy to get lost in the big picture of things. Often, we can find ourselves questioning life and reason behind everything we do. So what is "purpose?" Is it our job, career or hobbies? Or is what we think of as "purpose" something else entirely?
In this episode, Cameron and Willy discuss their ideas of "purpose" and how its changed and evolved at different points in their recovery journeys. Though they may not have a traditional take on purpose, both agree that having it can be the driving force behind every right action and an anchor to the present moment. Tune in and join the conversation.
We are joined today with a great story from Alec, who's relationship with alcohol lead him to some very unnerving behavior towards those he holds most dear. After finally having the discipline to put the bottle down, he's found purpose in sharing his story and promoting confidence as CEO of a tattoo inspired clothing company. His resolve to stay sober has enabled him to accomplish things he never thought possible. Check out his amazing tale on this weeks warstory.
Follow Alec at @alecrobinson_ and check out Iron and Ink clothing at @ironandinkfitness!
Check out The Other Side of Hell on Instagram at @theothersideofhell101 and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Eckhart Tolle, Power of Now
Maston Kipp, Claim Your Power
If you have an idea for the show or are interested in sharing your warstory, email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com.
Thanks to everyone who supports the podcast! Remember, you are the most important part of the show!

Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
We hear a lot about confidence. When we were out runnin' and gunnin' we were nearly devoid of all of it. The only thing we often had confidence was our ability to secure our next fix.
Now, with some clean and sober footing, we are likely regaining some confidence in ourselves. But it didn't come overnight. Nothing good happens all at once. Brick by brick, we built the foundation of recovery with confidence. Each day is an opportunity to lay the next perfect brick.
In this episode, our fiftieth, hear the fellas talk all about confidence and the role it plays in today's recovery.
Our warstory this week comes from Craig who spent a large part of his adult life in denial about his alcoholism. Alcohol became a way to deal with social anxiety and overcome fear. It wasn't long before he found himself justifying a drink to get a through the work day. Finally, after a fair amount of work and self discovery, he has found a life without alcohol is one with true connection to the world around him. We're truly blessed to call him a friend in the recovery community.
Follow Craig on Instagram at @mind.uncaged. If you're looking for someone to guide you through your recovery journey, look no further. Check him out!
The Other Side of Hell is on IG at @theothersideofhell101 and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101.
If you're interested in telling your Warstory we'd love to hear from you. Contact us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com.
If you or anyone you know is struggling, please don't hesitate to reach out. Remember, you are the most important part of the show!

Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
It's been said that there is no such thing as boredom. Only boring people. So what it is it about being bored that can cause an alcoholic to drink again? Can we really chalk something as innocent as boredom up to relapse or is boredom an indication of something else going on?
In this episode Cameron and Willy get deep into the topic of boredom. As with anything in the first stages of our recovery, we often have to unlearn how to do things. Our mind can first turn to negative thoughts the minute we have idle time. How can we train our brains to react differently and what can we do to combat boredom so it doesn't take us down a dark path? Tune in to find out.
We have a great warstory this week! Chris, a sober coach and recovering alcoholic, shares with us how he fell into a culture of drinking growing up around hockey and how in the end, walking away from his dream was the only way to insure he'd stay sober. Chris proves that going to any lengths to stay sober doesn't mean doing only what we want to do. Often time it's just the opposite. We often hear, "the only thing you have to change is everything." Hat's off to you Chris, for doing just that.
Chris is an amazing sober coach and encourages anyone who may be struggling to reach out to him! You can contact him via direct message on Instagram @smittys_corner. Check out his YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3EQVtdgLszM340tihszJ1A?app=desktop
Follow The Other Side of Hell on Instagram and Facebook!
IG: @theothersideofhell101
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
If you're struggling or interested in sharing your warstory, email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com.
Thanks to everybody who contributes to the show and supports by watching. Remember, you are the most important part of the show!

Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Most of us didn't know how to change the place we were in. We knew our lives were in shambles but climbing out of the hole seemed impossible. When we're finally able to stop digging and take the necessary steps to change we become unstoppable. One accomplishment gives way to another, then another, and another. It's important we celebrate these moments with dignity and grace.
On this episode Willy and Cameron are talking all about accomplishments. It can be tricky to determine when it's okay to celebrate our "wins" while remaining humble. What's our motivation when sharing good news? And are we too quick to forget about all that we've been able to do? Especially when coming from where we have? Tune in and join the discussion.
Plus, we have a great warstory this week from Cayla, a therapist and recovering alcoholic. She comes at us today with a lot of information about the science behind addiction and what she learned as she faced her own battle with putting down the bottle. It's equal parts inspiring and informative! You won't want to miss it!
Check out Cayla on Instagram @the_sober_therapist!
You can follow the podcast on Instagram and Facebook at @theothersideofhell101.
If you are struggling or are interested in telling your warstory, email us theothersideofhell@gmail.com.
Thanks to everyone who listens and supports the podcast! You are the most important part of the show!

Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
It's important that we surround ourselves with like minded people. Connecting with others has proven to be crucial to our sanity and positive thinking. When we can share similar experiences or interests, or come together with a common goal, its easier to let down our guard and establish that connection. This is the foundation for a community and without it, we're often left to our own negative behaviors.
It's hard to say where we would be without the recovery community. In this episode the boys are joined by Bret F. who not only works with newcomers at a treatment facility but is also a Sober Rider. Hear him talk about what it was like stepping into the world of recovery almost 20 years ago after facing a long prison term and what it's like in the Sober Riders Motorcycle club community. We're honored to have him at the table.
This week's warstory comes to us from Patrick who with us what it was like to consciously go back out after a period of abstinence from meth. His journey has been a crazy one so buckle up and prepare for a roller coaster! Hear how he found a fitness community that contributed largely to his success and how he has added it to his toolbox in order to stay and the path of least resistance and maintain his sobriety.
You can learn more about Patrick's story and see him continue his journey by following him on Instagram at @patrickswayz817.
More on Sober Riders
Contact them directly at
or Bret directly at
If you're interested in making a donation to Christmas Box House, your donation is greatly appreciated!
Remember, you can follow The Other Side of Hell on IG at @theothersideofhell101 and we're on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Contact us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com if you're struggling or if you're interested in sharing your story.
Look for a website and merch coming soon!
As always, thanks to everybody for listening. Remember, you are the most important part of the show!