
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Patterns are everywhere. When we were drinking it wasn't always easy to see the pattern we were in. When we're in it, it can be frightening to think about what life will be like outside that pattern. Even at their very worst, we can find comfort in patterns. But how can we break those patterns?
On this episode the boys get into patterns. Thought patterns, negative patterns, survival patterns, you name it. They're all around us. When we're first able to recognize our pattern, we can then begin to shift into the process, and it is a process, of changing it. Usually, our disease will throw anything at us to keep us from being uncomfortable. But, as we continue to see more and more, real change comes outside our comfort zone.
We have a wonderful warstory today from Amy!! Amy is a recovered heroin user who started with opioids and worked her way up, as so many do. After a whirlwind rehab relationship went south and led to relapse, she finally got real with herself and her mother. She got into a treatment facility and quickly learned that SHE, not the drugs, were the problem. Today she shares her story on TikTok and her inspiring story reaches more and more people each day. Thank you Amy for being brave enough to share your story.
You can find Amy on TikTok at AMYZWRLD.
Tom Bilyeu on YouTube
Follow The Other Side of Hell on IG at @theothersideofhell101! We're on Facebook too! https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
If you have a story you would like to share please contact us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com.
PLEASE reach out if you're struggling. There is strength in surrender. Remember, you are the most important part of the show!

Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
How we see ourselves plays an important role in the way we navigate the world. We can be quick to peg ourselves as our dysfunctions and form an identity around them. Most of us however, had to let go of those the moment we decided to get sober and live better versions of ourselves. So how do we shape a new identity?
In this episode Cameron and Willy are talking all about identity. When were we first able to identify as "alcoholics" and what had to happen in order for us to begin calling ourselves that? What other things have we learned about ourselves in that process and how can we be sure to continue to shape our identity into the versions of ourselves that we want to put out into the world?
We have a great warstory this week from Hannah. Forced into treatment at an early age, Hannah reminds us all of how we can always find a way to get our fix. It wasn't until she went through a process of finding herself that she was able to put down the drugs for good. Now, with some sober time under her belt, she uses her experience to help others who struggle.
You can follow Hannah on Instagram at @hannahdordick!
The Other Side of Hell is on social media!
FB: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
IG: @theothersideofhell101
Website and merch coming soon!
Thanks to everybody for your support!
If you are struggling PLEASE reach out! DM us on IG or send an email to theothersideofhell@gmail.com.

Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Gratitude is powerful. It's fair to say that most of us never knew gratitude when we were out runnin' and gunnin'. At least not long enough to recognize how valuable it really is. But how can we maintain that attitude? Or find reasons to be grateful when bad things happen?
On this episode, Cameron and Willy dove into the ever-so-popular topic of gratitude, a topic often discussed in the rooms of many 12 step meetings. Why is that? Because gratitude has the power to pull you out of the stinkin' thinkin' that keeps us sick. It can literally take us from the depths of despair to a higher frequency in line with strength and hope. Gratitude is worth talking about.
Today's warstory is a special one. Cindy, a compulsive overeater and long time fan of the show, shares her story of food addiction and the joy of being relieved of the obsession after spending time doing the work. From growing up in the South as a caretaker, food was often used to comfort. After years of overeating, it started taking a physical toll on her healthy and wellness. Now, she is committed to a new and healthy lifestyle that has her sharing her message with newcomers. Her story is another reminder of just how the disease can manifest itself in different ways and how food can be just as destructive as any other mind altering substance.
Thank you Cindy for sharing your story!
Cindy's podcast is Adulting for Addicts and can be found everywhere starting Nov. 19, 2020!
Follow Cindy on Instagram @anoncindyl
David Steindl-Rast, Want to be happy? Be grateful
You can find The Other Side of Hell on Facebook and Instagram!
IG: @theothersideofhell101
FB: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Stay tuned for theothersideofhell.com complete with TOSOH merch!
Coming Soon!
If you're interested in sharing your warstory or are struggling, please reach out on IG or email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com. You are not alone.
Thanks everybody for all your support! You are the most important part of the show!

Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Not everybody who has had the opportunity to get sober has done it through 12 step meetings. Those of us that have know the benefits of being able to go somewhere where we can talk openly about our struggles and the solution. But what about those that are considering going to a meeting? What can they expect? What's a meeting REALLY like? And what are some of the benefits?
In this episode Willy and Cameron talk about 12 step meetings. When we suffer from a spiritual malady the energy and spiritual nature of 12 step meetings can be uplifting and often lifesaving. Often, they are great way to get centered and regain our focus. The truth is many of us literally owe our lives to meetings and the people we can find there.
The boys get into what it was like for them at their first AA meeting and break down what can be expected for a newcomer. Over time, the reason to attend meetings has changed as can be expected as our programs progress. However, it doesn't seem to matter how much sobriety you have, a meeting most often will always leave you feeling better than you were before.
Are 12 step meetings the only way to get sober? Absolutely not. No one has a monopoly on recovery. But they can be a great tool to add to your kit in your fight to stay sober and continue to grow.
Our warstory this week comes from Tia, who was someone who had the 12 step seed planted with her at an AA meeting by the most unlikely of characters, as is often the case. After years of self sabotage in an effort to be perfect, she finally had enough and surrendered to the solution found in the rooms of AA. Now, as a health and lifestyle coach, hear how she incorporated fitness and taking care of her body into her recovery. She's a great reminder of just how much we can truly turn things around and go from a life of self-destruction to a life of self-love. Thank you Tia for sharing your story!
Follow Tia on Instagram @fit_for_rediscovery and check out her website at www.rediscoverycoaching.com!
Drop the Rock book
Find an AA meeting near you
Online meetings
Overeaters Anonymous
Cocaine Anonymous
Crystal Meth Anonymous
Marijuana Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous
As always, follow us on Instagram!
Follow Cameron's weight loss journey!
We're on Facebook!
Thanks to everyone for all your support! Remember you are the most important part of the show!

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
When we hear the word "surrender" it's easy to think of weakness. But it takes a lot of courage and strength to cease fighting and give in to getting the help we need. After we've taken our licks from the disease and truly been beaten into submission, the only thing left is surrender. It's then that the true healing can begin.
On this episode of The Other Side of Hell, Willy and Cameron talk about surrender. Each of us have found ourselves in situations where we thought we knew it all and how best to help ourselves. After repeated attempts at "helping" ourselves, we had to accept that a power greater than ourselves was the solution. Luckily, we often have people all around us or know of resources where we can find a power greater than ourselves. By asking these people/organizations for help, we become humble and open enough to let change happen. This often times is a true miracle.
This weeks warstory is from our friend Alyssa, a true warrior and elementary school principal from Ohio who shares with us what it was like escaping from the mundane into a bottle. After accomplishing a great deal in life and having everything she thought she could want, she still felt empty inside. Hear how she finally was able to surrender, and become vulnerable and open enough to allow for the solution to begin working in her life. We love hearing how she shares her victories with her family and how openly they talk about sobriety. Thank you Alyssa for your inspiration!
Follow Alyssa on Instagram at @this_thorn.
The Other Side of Hell on Instagram at @theothersideofhell101!
Find us on Facebook!
Thank you to everyone for another great show! Remember, you are the most important part of the show!

Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
ex. There, we said it. Is sex a dirty word? Can we talk about sex open and honestly? What is it about sex that makes it difficult to talk about?
On this episode of The Other Side of Hell we are joined by Kris, our resident therapist, to talk all about sex. As it turns out, there's a lot to it. Tune in to hear the gang talk about healthy relationships, what consent really is, and how we can have more conversations about sex in order to remove the stigma or taboo.
Plus, this week's warstory is a doozy. Fausto shares a very raw, open and honest story with us about overcoming sexual abuse and trauma, which lead him to a life consumed with drugs and alcohol, and ultimately to a motivational speaker and substance abuse counselor. Never doubt what we're able to do with the things that have happened to us. Fausto is someone who proves that by telling our stories, no matter how brutal, not only are we able to make a difference in the lives of others, but we grow along side them.
You can follow Fausto on Instagram at @soberfausto! Check out past episodes of his podcast, Sober Weekly! You can also find him on tik tok doing pretty amazing things with a jump rope!
Safe Harbor is an organization that will get you the help you need if you are a victim of domestic abuse or sexual assault. YES, MEN TOO!!
If you're interested in seeing Kris professionally or would like to reach out to her directly, you can find more information on https://www.counselingwellnesshub.com/
Salty Witches is a private Facebook group where woman can talk openly about sex without judgement or fear of repercussions.
As always, you can follow The Other Side of Hell on Instagram @theothersideofhell101
Willy @willyjl0l0l0
Cameron @cameron.reel.jackson
Follow Cameron's weight loss journey at @cameroneatslessfood
If you are struggling you can contact us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com or connect with us through Instagram DM. We're happy to help in any way we can.
Special thanks to Kris for coming out and being a part of the show! Thanks to everyone for your support. You are the most important part of the show!

Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
What do you think of when you hear the word "faith?" Well, if you're like Willy, your mind automatically goes to a religious definition. But, faith in the true sense of the word is simply trust or confidence in someone or something.
If we're lucky we have people and processes in our lives where we can place our faith. And in doing so we often relinquish control and let go of negative emotions. In this episode Cameron and Willy get into faith and the experience they've had in their lives trusting in different processes that have proved themselves as worthy. For a long time we put our trust in negative things, like drugs and alcohol. We had faith that the substance would satisfy something in us. Now, in sobriety we're able to investigate and see what we want in those around us. We have faith that if we do what they've done, we'll get what they've got. And in doing so we stumble into a power greater than ourselves.
This week we have an incredible warstory from speaker, author, and voice of recovery for young women, Sarah Ordo. She tracks her journey through one of her worst experiences with drugs of alcohol to a true moment of clarity, and eventually to a thriving recovery community. When you hear how much this early thirty something has done in her 5 years of sobriety you can't help but be amazed. Especially when heard in contrast to what things used to be like for her. Its' amazing where vulnerability can lead.
Check out Sarah online at Sarahordo.com and follow her on Instagram at @24luxe_sarah! You can find her books on her website as well as Amazon
As usual, you can follow Willy on Instagram at @willyjl0l0l0 and Cameron at @cameron.reel.jackson or to follow his weight loss journey follow @cameroneatslessfood
The Other Side of Hell is online at @theothersideofhell101 on Instagram and Facebook!
If you or someone you know is struggling, please don't hesitate to reach out. You can contact the guys at theothersideofhell@gmail.com.
Thank you for your support! You are the most important part of the show!

Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
"It's not a person's mistakes that define them-it's the way they make amends."
In A.A., making amends is step 9, and the step before states "..became willing to make amends to them all." There is an entire step devoted to preparing to make amends. That's because amends are not often an easy thing to do.
In this episode, Willy and Cameron get in to what it means to make amends. By no means does saying I'm sorry erase the damage we have done and we do not get to decide how the person receiving the amends responds. It's important that we look at our part in these actions and own up to. Amends means simply that we were wrong with what we did, we're willing to do whatever is necessary to make it right and that we are changing our behavior.
The weight that is lifted from taking this step is insurmountable. When we begin to clean the wreckage of our past, we pave better roads for our future. Listen in as the guys share a few person instances of these scenarios playing out in their own lives.
AND this week's War Story comes to us from Abby, a recovering alcoholic and food addict. Growing up with addiction in her home, she shares how it impacted her as her own drinking career simultaneously rocketed into the fourth dimension. After many years of black out drinking, she had more than a few instances she had to make amends for. Now, her life is dramatically different as she navigates the healthy and positive road of recovery and self improvement. She truly is an inspiration.
You can follow Abby's story on Instagram at @abbys.road.there for more inspiration and support in this thriving on-line community of people who have found hope and peace in freedom from drugs and alcohol.
As always, you can follow us on Instagram @theothersideofhell101 and find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101.
If you're interested in telling your war story or need to reach out, please contact us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com!
Thanks for all your support and remember, you are the most important part of the show!

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Accept the things we cannot change! Sometimes, stuff is going to happen that's beyond our control. There is much we can do about it but accept. It's the first step in moving into the solution. Which is why its so valuable in our daily lives.
On this topic, The Other Side of Hell also has had to accept a future without one of the co-host as Neight has made the decision to move on from the podcast. While his contribution to the show will be missed, we wish him luck in all his future endeavors.
With a new sound, new style, and undoubtedly new feel, The Other Side of Hell podcast continues to push forward to bring you a deep discussion on things we all deal with on a day to day basis. When the unexpected happens, we can either let it make us weaker or accept it, learn from it, and grow. We choose the latter. And we hope that when faced with the same scenarios, that you will too.
This week's warstory is someone who has had to make her peace with rolling with the punches. Sarah, of the Sober Gratitudes podcast tells her story of alcoholism and looking for validation in all the wrong things. She's shares on the struggle of maintaining the facade of harmony when inside a battle is being waged. She's become someone who has found great reward in giving back and is constantly working to help others.
You can find her podcast anywhere you listen. It's another valuable tool for your tool box.
iTunes link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sober-gratitudes/id1451006650
Follow Sober Gratitudes on Instagram at @sober_gratitudes_podcast
As always, you can follow The Other Side of Hell on social media!
IG: @theothersideofhell101
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
If you have any ideas for a topic or are interested in telling your War Story, please contact us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com.
Thank you for your support! We keep moving forward gang!

Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
It's easy to get lost in the world of "self." Sometimes we can be so consumed by what's happening in our world, that we're not present for the world that's happening around us. It would seem that getting out of our own way by helping others is a solution we're not always willing to accept.
In this episode, Neight brings the topic of selfishness to The Other Side of Hell table. Cameron and Willy chime in with their two cents and bounce concepts off each other. The guys reflect on how selfish they can be when living in the disease.
When using, it feels like you're the only person in the world and everyone else takes a back seat. Now that we're recovered, the best way we can break that line of thinking is by being of service. So how best can we do that? Tune in and comment below to join the discussion.
This week, we have a great Warstory from Jared Miller. Here how a sports injury led him to heroin and eventually being homeless. It's a true inspiration to hear how far he has come. Jared makes it a point to give back to the recovery community and is a motivational speaker in the area.
Jared can be contacted on Instagram at @millermotivationgroup and his podcast can be found on YouTube and can be found anywhere you listen to podcasts!
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNI1KP8sVCXgEgCz0BXl34g
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/we-do-recover-with-jared-miller/id1519085421
Check it out!!
Follow The Other Side of Hell on social media!
Instagram @theothersideofhell101
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHpodcast
Thank you all for your support! Remember, you are the most important part of the show!!