
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
We’ve all experienced something traumatic on varying levels. The way we were raised, past relationships, loss of a loved one, or addiction to drugs or alcohol, just to name a few. How do we move on from these situations and continue our growth? Where does healing begin and end? And what’s the process for accepting that we deserve to move into a healing space?
On this week’s episode Cameron, Willy and Neight are joined by Katie Hansen from Katie’s Crazy Corner podcast to take a deep dive into healing. Not only is Katie a domestic abuse survivor, she is also a life management coach, body positivity coach and support liaison for other women in need. We get to hear how Katie continues to go through her own healing process after finally getting the courage to escape her own abusive situation and how she has used that experience to become the strong, brave woman that she is today.
This week’s Warstory is another great one. 28-year-old Samantha tells us how alcohol nearly killed her. From constantly blacking out to waking up in the hospital after being dumped off in the hospital parking lot with an BAL of .457%, which is stronger than most general anesthesia, Samantha has come a long way in her first 9 months of recovery. From isolating and binging on food and alcohol, she has been able to turn things around and has not only been abstinent from drugs or alcohol but has managed to shed a significant amount of weight and establish a healthy exercise routine. We applaud her for owning her story and sharing it with the world!
You can follow Samantha on Instagram @miss_parson to see the amazing transformation for yourself!
Be sure to check out Katie’s Crazy Corner for more awesome wisdom and love from Katie and be sure to check out her website, www.katiescrazycorner.com. You can also follow her on Instagram at @redhead_forrealz. If you or anybody you know is in an abusive situation, you can contact Katie directly on Instagram or at redhead_forrealz@yahoo.com. Whether you need to formulate a plan of action, or just talk to someone who understands, do not hesitate to reach out.
Also, you can check out www.thehotline.org for more information on how to get support. You can also call 1-800-799-7233 24/7. The first step to healing is having the courage to surrender to the help that’s available.
We at The Other Side of Hell can also be contacted at theothersideofhell@gmail.com.
As always, you can follow us on social media.
Instagram: @theothersideofhell101
Facebook: www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHpodcast
Thank you to everyone for all your support! Remember, you are the most important part of the show!

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Me Time
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
You've all heard it said. "I need more 'Me Time.'" It seems to refer to a magical period of time where we're able to only think about ourselves and shut the world off. Is there such a thing or is "Me Time" just an excuse to be lazy?
In this weeks episode, Neight, Cameron and Willy talk about the ever elusive concept of "Me Time." Its important to carefully define exactly what that means to each of us individually. The guys talk about how "Me Time" is different for each one of them based strictly on where they are in there lives but despite the differences, it would seem that "Me Time" can be an opportunity to let your guard down. It's important to take time to recharge but often times, we can be confused about what we really need to be doing to "recharge."
This week, we have another amazing WarStory. Kevin, from Ohio, tells us what lead to his "rock bottom" and how he decided that enough was enough. He had enough evidence to know that he could not quit drinking on his own and made the courageous decision to get the help he needed. Since then, he has found a thriving online recovery community and has become a healthy and positive inspiration for those who may still be struggling. We hope you're able to identify and recognize there is hope.
You can follow Kevin on Instagram at @thesoberginger
Check us out on social media!
IG: @theothersideofhell101
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHpodcast
Thank you to everyone who supports the show! If you have ideas for a topic, or are interested in sharing your warstory, email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com. Also, if you or anyone you know are struggling do not hesitate to reach out. We are in this togeth

Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
It's easy to look at things we've accomplished and find the things we've done wrong. We may find that looking at the lesson or seeing the good in certain situations doesn't come naturally. So how can we maintain a positive outlook in our lives? Is there a method to shift our perspective in order to maintain a healthy attitude?
In this episode Neight, Cameron, and Willy talk about outlook. Neight shares with us his reasons for bringing up the topic that stem from finding imperfection in a recent accomplishment and allowing that to overshadow an impressive feat. Willy and Cameron share their thoughts on outlook and just how cunning, baffling, and powerful the disease can be in convincing us to find only the bad in everything. A sure fire way to get us to return to old survival patterns.
This week our Warstory comes to us from across the pond! Emily shares with us her anorexia story and her journey into a healthy mindset and positive outlook. Tune in to hear her talk about her struggle with abusing laxatives in order to find a number on the scale she could live with only to discover the problem was much deeper than how much she weighed. She's since opted to document her whole journey on Instagram which you can follow at @emilys.anorexia.story. You can also find Emily on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRp6Tf0KvGC-TSnTDhYisKw
Thank you Emily for being brave enough to share your story with the world! By being open, we not only offer hope to those who are still struggling, but by connecting and being vulnerable with a large audience our confidence in our journey increases. Together we do recover!
If you or anybody you know is struggling with an unhealthy relationship with food, we hope that you'll reach out to get help. Through surrendering we find freedom. Check out the link below for some helpful information.
As always, you can always reach us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com with questions or concerns. We're happy to help in any way we can. Also, if you have ideas for the show or are interested in sharing your warstory, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Follow The Other Side of Hell!
Twitter: @TOSOHpodcast
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
IG: @theothersideofhell101
Thank you to everyone for your support! Don't forget, you are the most important part of the show!

Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
We often hear the word obsession thrown around in meetings. We all know that giving in to a craving can kick start an obsession, but is all obsession bad? Is there such a thing as healthy obsession?
Obsession can feel contradictory at times. That's why on this episode of The Other Side of Hell podcast, the guys get deep into obsession. Hear Neight talk about the obsession to drink and how that obsession has showed up in other instances of his life. Listen in as Cameron gets into what classifies something as a healthy obsession. See if Willy's message of being obsessed with getting to know himself resonates with you. It's an absolutely fascinating topic and great discussion here on the podcast!
Plus, this week we have an amazing WarStory from Taylor! Hear how he talks about making the conscious decision to turn his will and his life over to the power of drugs and alcohol. He tells about just how far down he had to go before getting the courage to surrender to help. It's truly another fascinating story of hope in recovery from someone who has come far by turning it over, showing up, and doing the work. Thank you Taylor for sharing your story!
Follow Taylor on Instagram! @addict_2_athlete
Tom Bilyeau, https://g.co/kgs/YM6Q7S
Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for updates and to join the community! Together we can and do recover!
IG: @theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHpodcast
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
If you have an idea for a show, are interested in telling your Warstory or are struggling with drugs and alcohol and need help PLEASE reach out to us via email at theothersideofhell@gmail.com.
Thanks to everybody for being the most important part of the show!

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Have you ever felt like you have a bad connection? Maybe you're spiritually not in a place with good service and the message is unable to get through. How important is our connection with those around us? And what can we do to maintain a quality signal?
In this week's episode, Cameron, Willy and Neight talk connection and how finding ways to connect with others can bring peace, despite negative self talk throwing excuses at you to stay distant. If we look long enough, it's easy to see that we have more similarities than differences and celebrating these commonalities can bring us closer together. There's a strong sense of spirituality in the energy that's shared among a group of people who share openly with one another.
We find it critical to maintain a spiritual connection in order to keep the negative self talk at bay and continue to do the work on bettering ourselves. Tune in to hear the discussion on how this can be done, or how to recognize that this needs to happen.
This week we have another great WarStory! Ricky shares with us his experience, strength and hope. We hear how growing up without a dad, and eventually in a reverse roll as the caretaker of his mother, introduced him to drugs which would inevitably consume him. Now, after 14 years of sobriety, he tells us what life is like for him now, including his passion for music and a renewed relationship with his absent father. There's a lot to identify with and connect with here.
You can follow Ricky on Instagram at @dollagreentv.
Check out his YouTube page here! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFGFazqmgnVrO5OiuYsyk0g
Drop him a line if you identified with his story and check out his music while you're there.
Mad shout out to everyone who contributes and continues to support the show with your love, kindness and generosity. Remember, you can follow us on all social media platforms.
Instagram: @theothersideofhell101
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHpodcast
If you have an idea for a topic, are interested in sharing your warstory, or need someone to talk to please reach out to us via email at theothersideofhell@gmail.com.
Remember, you are worth the work and the most important part of the show!

Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
We've all experienced moments where we've reacted negatively to criticism. Maybe it was because we didn't like or respect the individual giving the criticism, the criticism wasn't asked for, or the message felt hypocritical. The truth is, it's easy to take criticism the wrong way.
So how can we take criticism in an open way that will allow us to grow? Can we get over being offended long enough to find value in what we're hearing? And what about giving criticism? That's a whole other ball of wax.
On this episode Neight, Willy and Cameron discuss what they've learned about criticism. Neight talks about how criticism is allowing him to shape into the man he wants to be. Willy talks about learning how to give criticism. And Cameron goes into getting over being offended enough to apply the information given to us.
This week, we have a WarStory for the books. Chas Smith, AKA Colicchie is a Hip Hop artist and well known voice in the recovery movement. He shares with us just how deep the hole got for him before he put down the shovel. Hear how he finally was able to tap into a power greater than himself to stay clean and how being a father has become the most important role in his life. We're truly blessed and grateful to be able to share his story with you.
You can follow Colicchie on Instagram at @colicchie and twitter at @colicchie412.
You can also find him on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/colicchie
Check out his videos on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFODwqBogxHFegseFsVHh5A
Thank you to everyone who supports the show. If you feel like you get some value from it, please share it with someone who needs to hear a message of hope in recovery.
The Mighty Networks
Tom Bilyeau, Impact Theory University
Colicchie, Drug Addiction
The Other Side of Hell is on social!
Instgram: @theothersideofhell101
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHpodcast
If you're interested in telling your WarStory, have an idea for a topic, or are struggling to get the help you need, email us @theothersideofhell@gmail.com.
There is always hope.

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
"Compassion" is a word we hear thrown around a lot. But what does it really mean to have compassion? Do we always know when someone is being compassionate towards us? And what's the difference between compassion and empathy?
In this episode, Willy, Neight, and Cameron get real with compassion. Sometimes, it may be hard to see that someone is compassionate if the message they deliver is blunt and honest. But if you can get past taking it personal, often times we see the love in their actions. Most of us addicts and alcoholics are here because the people around us expressed compassion. Now we get to look at those around us who may be stuck in a difficult experience with compassion. And offer a hand up, not a hand out.
This week's WarStory is an amazing one. Pamela shares with us what it was like growing up in Mexico and starting to drink from an early age. After many tumultuous years of "needing to get her shit together" she was able to finally get the help she needed only to relapse after being down the road a ways. Listen in as she talks about her journey back from relapse and into a space where she can now serve others as a one on one Recovery Coach. Thank you Pamela for sharing your amazing story! And for making yourself available to those in need!
Pamela has put together some great online courses and "coaching meditations" available on-line at mybadassrecovery.com. You can also follow her on IG at @mybadassrecovery where she invites you to DM her with any questions, comments, or if you just need to talk to someone. Check her out and give her a follow to continue to support the Recovery community! And if you, or anybody you know is struggling with addiction, Pamela is available as a Recovery Coach. Please have the courage to get the help you need and reach out to someone, if not Pamela or The Other Side of Hell podcast directly.
Wes Watson, Watson Fit
Brene Brown, Dare to Lead
Thanks to everyone for supporting the show! Remember, if you get some value from the show, tell others that you think may benefit. Our goal is to get a message of hope to as many people as possible in an effort to help us realize we are all connected and that hope is available.
Follow us on Instagram at @theothersideofhell101 and join our Facebook group.
As always, email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com if you're interested in sharing your WarStory or if you have ideas for a topic. We love hearing from you.
Thanks again! You are the most important part of the show

Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Letting Go
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Let it go. We've all heard it. Anyone with kids has heard probably too much of it. What does it really mean to let go? How can we recognize whats no longer serving us? And how do we get that song out of our heads??
There are so many things around us we can't control. The future, other peoples emotions, whether or not someone likes us. We are powerless over a great deal of the things we interact with. So we learn to let go of our need to control. We let go of what doesn't serve us. In this episode Cameron, Neight and Willy talk about identifying those things, the process of moving forward, and how we know if we really have let go of those notions.
We have another amazing WarStory this week. It comes to us from Michelle Ould, former pro MMA fighter, turned podcaster and entrepreneur. Michelle gets deep with us about what it was like growing up in a household with parents who were using, channeling her rage into a profession, and using drugs to remove herself from the present moment experience in order to cope with the pain she felt inside. Listen as she talks about what it took for her to finally get the help she needed and how she's turned her story into one of hope and inspiration. We hope you'll enjoy it as much as we have.
Check out Michelle's podcast, The Sober Mompreneur, anywhere you get your podcasts! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-sober-mompreneur/id1506996408
You can also follow her on Instagram @thesobermompreneurpodcast!
Jocko Willink, Extreme Ownership https://g.co/kgs/4dRz67
As always, you can follow us at @theothersideofhell101 on Instagram or @TOSOHpodcast on Twitter! Be sure to check us out on Facebook as well!
Email us with show ideas or if you're interested in telling you WarStory!
Thanks to everyone for your support! You are the most important part of the show!

Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
The story we tell ourselves plays a pivotal role in the way we see the world. What we believe will shape the way we do things, our relationships with others, and our motivation for change. So where do we get our beliefs? How do we recognize the beliefs that are no longer serving us? And what's the best way to establish new beliefs and moral codes to base your life around?
In this episode, Willy, Cameron, and Neight talk about beliefs. While it can seem most commonly associated to religious beliefs, our beliefs determine our actions, and we can pick them up from anywhere. Beliefs can be based around trauma, around experience, or around faith. The important part is that we figure out which beliefs can help us be better people and move throughout the world better fit to help others and stick with them. And maybe the biggest belief we should have about ourselves, is that our beliefs can change.
Plus, this weeks WarStory is a powerful one. Jen Elizabeth shares her story of drinking to cope with the child hood trauma she experienced. Her decent into meth and heroine use lead to a life of homelessness and crime. With her self worth at an all time low, she finally landed in a jail cell after repeated "attempts" at sobriety through out patient programs. Finally, something inside her connected with a power greater than herself and she felt even the tiniest urge to change her life. From that she turned her life around by committing to a life of recovery. Now, she is a published author, mother of 2 and a beacon of hope within the recovery community.
Thank you Jen for sharing your powerful story! If you feel like you need someone to talk to or would like to connect with Jen in any way she can be reached on Instagram @resurrektion_of_me and now has her own website, http://resurrektionofme.com. Please reach out to her if you need any resources in Recovery.
Jen's book is called Shape of a Woman and is available on Amazon!
You can always reach out to us @theothersideofhell101 of Instagram or Facebook or email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
Street Epistemology https://www.youtube.com/c/AnthonyMagnabosco210/featured
Tom Bilyeu
Mel Robbins
Thanks to everybody for tuning in! We love you! Remember, you are the most important part of the show!

Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
We move through life with intention. It's important that we have a destination in mind. Goals can help us get there. So how do we make goals? What can we do to better see them through? And is there value in not achieving goals?
On this episode Neight, Cameron, and Willy go deep with goals. For the longest time, Neight thought goals were basically wishes. And here he talks about how a goal without a plan is basically just that; a wish. Cameron gets into how failing at a goal still inches towards the finish line and how its important to know you have achieved goals in the past. Willy says his goal is to one day look back on his life, and know that it wasn't wasted.
So how do we break down goals? Are there goals that are unrealistic? And is there such a thing as too many goals? You decide. We'd love to hear what you think.
Speaking of goals, this week's WarStory is someone who has met and accomplished quite a few of her goals. In fact, having a great deal of success in her career kept her from admitting to herself that she had a problem with alcohol. After a great deal of pain, she was finally convinced enough to check out a local AA meeting and there she found people willing to help her in areas of her life she admitted she was powerless over. Now she's experiencing a new way of life and redefining her idea of success.
You can follow Noelle on Instagram @noelle.louise for more great inspiration and to follow her story!
David Goggins, https://g.co/kgs/nuQRLK
Be sure to follow @theothersideofhell101 on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date with all the happenings!
If you have an idea for a topic or are interested in sharing your WarStory, email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com.
Thank you! And remember, you are the most important part of the show!