
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
How would you describe Balance? Are you able to recognize when things are feeling one-sided? And if so, what do you do about it?
How can we be sure everything is getting the appropriate amount of attention? First, we have to determine what our priorities are and lead from that space. In this weeks episode, the guys talk about the ever elusive Balance. Cameron talks about how to make sure everything is receiving the appropriate amount of attention. Willy gets into listening to your conscious. Neight gets into being over obsessive and how to get things back into balance.
Can we always trust our conscious? The guys discuss more about how to recognize the difference between your conscious and the voice of resistance and how not acting in line with your conscious can throw you off your game and lead to guilt and shame. So how do we know which voice to listen to? Tune in to find out!
Plus, we have another great Warstory from a listener. This one comes from Gentry, sober mom, and grateful alcoholic. Her story includes a number of years of denial and strict controlled drinking. She talks about being intoxicated while being a full time mother. Getting sober costs her relationships and has sent her life in a new, healthy and positive direction. This one is one for the books. We're honored she chose to share it with us!
Gentry has a very inspirational Instagram as she documents her journey as a sober mom. You can follow her at @lifewithGentry
As always, The Other Side of Hell podcast is on Facebook and Instagram at @theothersideofhell101
We're on Twitter @TOSOHpodcast.
If you have any ideas for a show or are interested in sharing your WarStory you can email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com.
Thanks for the support guys! We know you'll love this one!

Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Growth is happening! It's not always to see when we're in our day by day but often times, if you pause long enough, you can look back and see real growth. We're often too quick to dismiss progress.
On this very special episode of The Other Side of Hell podcast Neight, Willy and Cameron dress in their best to do just that. Join us as we stop and acknowledge our growth! Our growth as a podcast, our growth as individuals and the growth of the individuals we've been fortunate enough to meet throughout our journey.
Our lives takes us in many different directions at all times. We do our best to stay the course, have a clear direction, ask for help when needed, and feed off the positive energy that comes from bonding with others. In the 9 months since The Other Side of Hell podcast has been produced, some of us have started new businesses, gone to jail, gotten married, moved out of our parents house, taken on vigorous exercise routines, gotten new jobs, and more! Growth can look like MANY different things!
Our growth is because of YOU! The listener. The ones brave enough to share your stories. And those of you brave enough to fight regardless. You're tuning in because of a connection. The connection you feel does not discriminate. Does not care what the color of your skin is, your gender, or whether your vice is white flour or cocaine. The connection is struggle. We ALL struggle. The good news is knowing we all share this common trait means WE have the ability to help each other. By sharing our stories, we remind everybody that they are not alone, there is hope, and there are people who understand how you feel!
In this, our longest ever podcast, we not only acknowledge the growth in ourselves, but have taken the time to go back and talk about everyone who has shared their WarStories. We see the growth in you, even if you don't. Sometimes its not always easy to see the forest for the trees.
Many thanks to all who continue to support and foster our growth. The spouses, the parents, the friends, the mentors and YOU! YOU ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE SHOW!
Contact us at theothersideohell@gmail.com if you're interested in telling your story or if you have ideas for a topic.
Follow The Other Side of Hell on Facebook or Instagram @theothersideofhell101
Twitter @TOSOHpodcast
We hope to hear from you!

Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Growth is happening! It's not always to see when we're in our day by day but often times, if you pause long enough, you can look back and see real growth. We're often too quick to dismiss progress.
On this very special episode of The Other Side of Hell podcast Neight, Willy and Cameron dress in their best to do just that. Join us as we stop and acknowledge our growth! Our growth as a podcast, our growth as individuals and the growth of the individuals we've been fortunate enough to meet throughout our journey.
Our lives takes us in many different directions at all times. We do our best to stay the course, have a clear direction, ask for help when needed, and feed off the positive energy that comes from bonding with others. In the 9 months since The Other Side of Hell podcast has been produced, some of us have started new businesses, gone to jail, gotten married, moved out of our parents house, taken on vigorous exercise routines, gotten new jobs, and more! Growth can look like MANY different things!
Our growth is because of YOU! The listener. The ones brave enough to share your stories. And those of you brave enough to fight regardless. You're tuning in because of a connection. The connection you feel does not discriminate. Does not care what the color of your skin is, your gender, or whether your vice is white flour or cocaine. The connection is struggle. We ALL struggle. The good news is knowing we all share this common trait means WE have the ability to help each other. By sharing our stories, we remind everybody that they are not alone, there is hope, and there are people who understand how you feel!
In this, our longest ever podcast, we not only acknowledge the growth in ourselves, but have taken the time to go back and talk about everyone who has shared their WarStories. We see the growth in you, even if you don't. Sometimes its not always easy to see the forest for the trees.
Many thanks to all who continue to support and foster our growth. The spouses, the parents, the friends, the mentors and YOU! YOU ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE SHOW!
Contact us at theothersideohell@gmail.com if you're interested in telling your story or if you have ideas for a topic.
Follow The Other Side of Hell on Facebook or Instagram @theothersideofhell101
Twitter @TOSOHpodcast
We hope to hear from you!

Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Way back in the infancy of the podcast we had our friend Jake join us to talk about trauma. Not only is Jake a Certified Social Worker but he has his own recovery story and has had to deal with his fair share of trauma. Who better to have as our first guest? Well, as luck would have it, we ran into a couple of severe technical issues (growing pains as some would say.) Unfortunately, the episode was not salvageable and we've been trying to get him back on ever since!So, just as we do with trauma, we as a podcast continued to grow, and adapt. We accepted that we had some struggles early on and decided to learn from them. And now, Jake is back to have some serious talk about trauma and the world that we're currently living in. It would seem there's one constant in almost every WarStory we hear. Trauma. Whether you struggle with addiction, neurosis, or just plain low self-esteem, it's fair to say it likely stems from some sort of trauma. So how do we become more than victims? Can we truly use trauma as fuel for change? Can we find solidarity in overcoming struggle and trauma?This one is an episode for the books! We also have a GREAT WarStory today. Melissa does not identify as an addict but on this episode she shares her story of abuse and trauma she suffered as a child and adolescent. She talks on how it has impacted her life and how she has made the choice to be an abuse survivor! Thank you Melissa for being brave enough to share your story with the world. It's through these experiences that we grow!RESOURCESDavid Goggins, Can't Hurt Me https://g.co/kgs/njt2JBNew Lamb of God album (out June 19) https://g.co/kgs/S8b8eaThanks to each and every one brave enough to come forward with their stories! And to any of you still struggling, keep fighting. We're worth the work! What doesn't kill us, truly makes us stronger!!

Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
It's been said that expectations are resentments waiting to happen. What kind of expectations are okay? Is it fair to say that unreasonable expectations will always lead to disappointments? Are we fooling ourselves by having expectations?Join us this week when Neight, Willy and Cameron talk about the tricky subject of expectations. Why so tricky? Good question. Neight navigates whether expectations while pursuing relationships are shallow or not? Cameron talks about having expectations for others but also remembering that we are human. Willy touches on our expectations for ourselves and how to hold ourselves accountable.Plus, as usual, we have a great WarStory this week from our dear friend Ashley. Ashley recognized an obsession from a young age. An injury led her down the path of opiate abuse. Coupled with severe domestic violence, it's fair to say that Ashley has been through her own version of hell. We are so grateful that she emerges as a survivor and strong voice of hope and recovery. Thank you Ashley for having the courage to tell your story!Follow Ashley on Instagram at @safehavenesstentials87We hope that today's high energy episode will make you laugh, cry and identify. We thank you for joining us!If you or anyone you know is a domestic violence situation we encourage you to not remain silent and to reach out. Help can be found at our trusted resource here at safeharborhope.org. You can also call 24/7 at 801.444.9161. You can also contact The national domestic violence hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or online at thehotline.org. Follow The Other Side of Hell on Instgram, Facebook and Twitter!Facebook and Instagram @theothersideofhell101Twitter at @TOSOHpodcast Join The Other Side of Hell podcast Facebook group to keep up to date with the podcast and join the community of hope in recovery and life empowerment!If you have show ideas or would like to tell your story, you can email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com.Thanks for your support! Remember, you are the most important part of the show!

Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
Honesty The truth can be uncomfortable. Why is it so hard to be honest about some things while others seem to be easy? Does being open and honest really make that big of a difference in our growth? And is it ever okay to not be honest?This week the boys talk honesty and Cameron opens up about his resistance to being honest about his struggle with food. It's easy to let fear of judgement keep us being selfish and dishonest which prevents us from making progress. Surrounding ourselves with people in our lives we KNOW we can be honest with is pivotal. It's important too that we know those people will be brutally honest with us in return.We also have a great WarStory today! Arielle tells us her story all the way from British Columbia! We hear how she navigated her career while maintaining a serious drinking habit and just how addicting Tinder can be. She found herself desperate enough to be honest with those around her who loved her and offered to help. Since then, she has turned her business skills and desire to help people into a valuable resource and on-line community with @mysobercompass. Thank you for sharing your story!Follow Arielle on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/mysobercompass Click the link for more information: https://linktr.ee/mysobercompass She has a YouTube Channel, on-line meetings, and you can now book a live 1 on 1 coaching session with her! RESOURCES Jasmine Star https://www.instagram.com/jasminestar/ Les Brown https://youtu.be/7rD2cpmh6uY
Read the rest of this entry »
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
Shame is deep rooted. We who identify as addicts or alcoholics likely spent a lot of time feeling like we were bad people. Even those who don't identify as addicts can pinpoint some guilt they feel towards certain behaviors. It's easy to let this guilt turn into shame. So where does shame come from? What's the difference between guilt and shame? And more importantly, what can we do about it?This week's episode has the guys talking shame. Neight, Willy and Cameron talk about there own experiences with shame, some that stem from not living up to other's expectations. It's pretty easy to go through life feeling not good enough or labeled as "bad." Join the discussion on this topic by commenting on YouTube! Plus, as usual, we have a great WarStory for you today! We speak with our dear friend Jill who has had her own version of shame. As someone who maintained two separate lives based on whether she was attending church or going to the bars, it's fair to say Jill has an amazing story of overcoming shame and blossoming into a truly inspirational person. We're so grateful she chose to share her story with us.RESOURCEShttps://youtu.be/psN1DORYYV0 Listening to Shame, Brene Brown https://youtu.be/H_8y0WLm78U The Price of Shame, Monica Lewinsky Follow us on twitter, facebook, and instagram!Twitter: @TOSOHpodcastFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101 Intagram: @theothersideohell101If you have ideas for a show or are interested in telling your WarStory, we'd love to hear from you! Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com. Thanks guys! You are the most important part of the show!

Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
We all get em. Sometimes its for something harmless and sometimes its for something life changing. Other times it can be for life itself. So how do we recognize when we're having a craving? Is it always a bad thing? What do we do with them when we have them? On this weeks episode Willy, Neight and Cameron talk about cravings. Most often times we hear the word we think about food, right? But cravings have the ability to overwhelm us and take us into a negative space that can often lead to self-loathing and shame. Whether its a craving for ice cream, a cigarette or heroin, it's important to remember that having the craving itself does not make us bad. Tune into hear the guys talk about what they do when their senses are overwhelmed with the desire for something specific.This weeks WarStory is a doozy. From an anonymous friend whose craving lead him to spend some ample time in prison, this weeks story comes with a WARNING: contains graphic content and descriptions of violent episodes. It's real, it's raw and it's not for the faint of heart. Even set backs as drastic as Prison are challenges we can bounce back and learn from.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________RESOURCESOur emotional eating coach friend Rena can be found on instagram at @renabissett_coaching and YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY30sY9VXzTZXPWWbgoQ-EA As always, follow us on Instagram at @theothersideofhell101 and on Twitter at @TOSOHpodcast.If you're interested in telling your story or have ideas for the show we'd love to hear them! We can be reached at theothersideofhell@gmail.com.Thanks for all your support! You are the most important part of the show!

Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
A hero is defined as a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. We've all had a few people we look up to or admire. It may be difficult however, to find another point in history when the world had so many people being proclaimed "heroes" just for doing their jobs. So are they heroes? Ab-so-lutely they are. Maybe its about time we recognize that the people in those industries have been heroes all along.On this weeks episode, our first back in the studio, Neight, Cameron, and Willy bring in a nurse, Katie, to talk about what its like being in one of those roles. We had a helluva time with her and gained some real insight on how Covid impacts her abilities to bond with her patients. We go deep down the hero rabbit hole to really flesh out what in our nature makes us go above and beyond in turbulent times. Conclusion? Tune in to find out.Also this week, we hear from Abby, a new friend from Michigan who shares her journey of getting Sober with us. SPOILER ALERT: Abby knew when enough was enough and chose to get sober almost 30 days ago at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. We're so proud of her for being enough of a bad ass to stick with it and share her story with us. Thanks Abby!You can follow Abby on Instagram at @charmkweenAs always, follow us on Instagram @theothersideofhell101 and on twitter at @TOSOHpodcast RESOURCES Jocko Willink, Extreme Ownershiphttps://g.co/kgs/wWsHgf Joe Rogan, Be the Hero of Your Own Storyhttps://youtu.be/twD9MGJ3R7c Joe Rogan/Tom Greenhttps://youtu.be/CzqONHtFiHQ ****The Navy Seal who jumped on the grenade was Michael Monsoor, not Mark Lee****

Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
Resilience is uncomfortable and challenging. It is defined as the ability to recover quickly from difficulty. So are we always resilient? When do we accept the circumstances as they are and when do we choose to fight and recover?On this episode Neight, Willy and Cameron get into resilience and the art of picking yourself up and pressing forward. We hear specific examples of times where each of them had to move forward after a knockout. Jordan steps out from behind the cameras and joins in again for another episode while quarantined. We're reminded of the resilience nearly everyone has shown through this crisis as we adapt to move forward as best we can in these trying times.We have a great WarStory as well! Rena Bissett, an emotional eating coach, joins us to tell us of her journey with food and overcoming shame to develop a healthy relationship with food. If you've ever felt like you struggle treating food properly she is a great person to have in your corner and we're honored to have her here! Remotely or otherwise!Follow Rena on Instagram! @renabissett_coachingand check out her YouTube Channel!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY30sY9VXzTZXPWWbgoQ-EA RESOURCESWes Watsonhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWUxLYGeeIKxxioUqL54Q8gTom Bilyeuhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnYMOamNKLGVlJgRUbamveA Check out more info on Claim Your Power by Mastin KippYou can purchase on Amazon!https://www.google.com/books/edition/Claim_Your_Power/Mi0zDwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover As a reminder, you can follow The Other Side of Hell on Instagram at @othersideofhell101We're also on facebook! https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101And twitter! https://twitter.com/TOSOHpodcastEach of the guys are on Instagram!@neightcasperson1@willyj101010@cameron.reel.jackson@jordan_young801 We always love hearing from you! Email us at thothersideofhell@gmail.com Thanks gang! You are the most important part of the show.