
Saturday Apr 25, 2020
Saturday Apr 25, 2020
Saturday Apr 25, 2020
It seems every bit of growth that sprouts from failure always has its roots in Discipline. To start anything that is going to make a change for the better, we have to have follow through. So how is a habit of discipline created? And what can we do to help maintain our stride to achieve our goals?On this week's episode we welcome two very special guests from Freewav Radio, DeeMartyr and Geno Worldwide to chew on what it takes and how we can maintain discipline to get things done. Through their time in the military and leading local congregations, they've had to learn a thing or two about discipline. You may want to be prepared with notes because this one is jam packed full of wisdom!Also, this week we hear from a mother who lost her son to a heroin overdose. Though she's hesitant to call herself a survivor, tune into hear how she was able to find healing after tragedy and comfort in the synchronicity's in her life. Her story is a powerful reminder that the people around us have struggles all their own.Episode 18 is a great one to really feel and remember that we are a lot more like each other than we may realize. From all different religious backgrounds and spiritual beliefs, to the loved one that suffered along side the addict, we can find common ground in any of our stories. We need only look past the surface and peel back the layers.Freewav Radio can be found on Itunes and Spotify! We at The Other Side of Hell highly recommend it to anyone looking to empower themselves.Follow them at @freewavradio @genogardnerworldwide @deemartyrDenzel's book is 100 days to Motivatehttps://www.amazon.com/Days-Motivate-Denzel-Xavier-Martin/dp/B086FYD1M4/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1586492288&sr=8-1Judy Kelly has a beautiful store in Ogden Utah.www.artboxogden.comhttps://www.imdb.com/name/nm4702641____________________________________________________________________________________Remember, we're always posting updates about the show, challenges, and helpful tips on Instagram @theothersideofhell101. You can always email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com if you'd like to share your warstory or if you have ideas for topics! We'd love to hear from you.Don't forget to like and subscribe and check us out on YouTube!

Friday Apr 17, 2020
Free Time
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Have you found yourself with a bunch of time that you don't know what to do with? Or are you someone who tends to overcommit yourself? Do you always feel like you should be doing something else with your time Would you be suprised to find that you're not alone?On this episode of The Other Side of Hell, Neight, Cameron, Willy and Jordan talk about how to use their time constructively. With so many of us experience an abundance of free time in quarantine, there's some things that can be done to manage that time well. Tune in to hear the boys talk about those things as we check in while social distancing.We have a great WarStory for ya today. "Hurricane Kristen" has come a long ways since her days of identifying as "the party girl." From alcohol being a big part of her culture, to it being a huge part of her persona, drinking seemed to follow her everywhere; even as success was happening around her. So how'd she finally get the help she needed? And what is life like for "Hurricane Kristen' now? Check it out.Many thanks to Kris for sharing her story and all the fans who support the podcast. Remember, you are the most important part of the show!Follow Kris on Instagram! @cinkalicious.sober Follow us on Instagram!@theothersideofhell101@Cameroneatslessfood@willyj101010@neightcasperson1@jordan_young801Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101_______________________________________________________________________________________RESOURCESHow to Gain Control of Your Free Timehttps://youtu.be/n3kNlFMXsloThe Happiness Advantagehttps://g.co/kgs/8ThCZXThe Unteathered Soulhttps://g.co/kgs/uLLP6W

Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Have you found yourself a bit out of sorts with your routing recently? Does it seem easier than ever to isolate and keep to yourself? Could it have anything to do with the current pandemic we're experiencing globally? Do these questions seem somewhat sarcastic given the nature of the world at the moment? Good news: you're not wrong and you're not alone.It's fair to say 7 billion people are feeling their own versions of "out of whack." That being said, when things change, its easy to feel like we're the only ones dealing with it. It's important to remember we're not victims. So how do we break out of the victim mentality? And what things can we do to get back on track with our routines? Join the Neight, Cameron, and Willy on this week's episode, the first from quarantine, to discuss solutions.As usual, we have an awesome WarStory to share. Jesse, a true inspiration in service to recovery, joins us to tell us her story of overcoming the seemingly impossible. Jesse experienced problems with substance abuse at an early age and at the age of 12 was in treatment with her dad. Hear her talk about finding her way to a power greater than herself and how it works for her in every day life. From drugs and alcohol, to sex and shopping, there's likely something in Jesse's story we can all identify with.Thanks to all the fans who continue to show us love and support! Remember, you are the most important part of the show!If you have a WarStory you'd like to share, we'd love to hear it. Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com and we'll get you the details.RESOURCESZig Zigler, How to Create Your Own Future and Get What You Want Motivationhttps://youtu.be/iHl-lS9ci74TED Talks, What online dating looks like when you're blindhttps://youtu.be/T8VA91rUCMg

Friday Apr 03, 2020
Stigma of Therapy
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Does Therapy have a bad rap? Have you ever felt ashamed to talk to a therapists? Like there is something wrong with you? Well truth is, there probably is something wrong with you, and talking to a therapist is nothing to be ashamed of. On this episode of The Other Side of Hell the boys sit down with Kris Floyd, a licensed therapist with her own journey of survival and overcoming challenging circumstance. Kris has been a part of Willy's journey for some time but she shares with him, and the world, her story of domestic abuse. Along with being a therapist, she is also the director of Safe Harbor, which is a domestic abuse and sexual assault crisis center. Listen in as the guys pick her brain and gain some insight into the stigma behind seeking therapy.We also hear a powerful WarStory from Averie, who happens to be Willy's life partner and mother of their 3 children. She shares with us her journey of recovery, through being neglected as a child, in trouble early with the law, willing to give up everything she worked so hard for in a relapse, and doing hard time in jail to being her own business owner, a certified personal trainer, and doting mother of three raising their kids with intent to break the cycle. It's one you won't want to miss. If you or anyone you know is in a domestic violence or sexual assault situation, there is hope. You can contact someone at 801-444-9161 24/7. If you're interested in seeing Kris as a therapists, she can be reached online at https://www.counselingwellnesshub.com.Remember, there are a lot of therapists out there. Finding one that works for you can make all the difference.*****THIS WAS SHOT AND RECORDED PRIOR TO QUARANTINE*****_______________________________________________________________________________________References:Wayne Dyer https://www.drwaynedyer.com/

Friday Mar 27, 2020
Inner Dialogue
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
How about that voice in your head, huh? It can convince you of some pretty powerful things. Sometimes good, sometime bad, but it always seems to be there. In this episode Cameron, Willy and Neight discuss Inner Dialogue and how to combat negative self talk.From meditation to powerful mantras and affirmations, what we feed our minds seems to determine the dialogue running in our minds. Working on ourselves and flooding our minds with positive energy is a sure fire way for us to sway the inner dialogue in a positive direction. It's important too, to remember we can separate ourselves from our thoughts and watch them as they come and go.Tune in and hear this weeks WarStory from our friend Scott, who shares his journey in and out of Recovery from alcoholism and drugs. Tapping into a power greater than himself and being plugged in to the AA scene have played a pivotal role in his recovery. Scott has done and continues to do so much for the newcomers and we're so grateful that he was willing to share his powerful story with us.Neight also issues a challenge to our listeners: write down three things you're grateful for each day. We'd love to hear your comments on how this is working for you. Find us on Instagram at @othersideofhell101 and leave the #theothersideofhell to let us know you're out there! Also, you can always email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________RESOURCES: (These are not paid sponsors. Just resources we use in our everyday lives)Mel Robbins Ted Talk: https://youtu.be/Lp7E973zozc more on the 5 second rule: https://melrobbins.com/blog/five-elements-5-second-rule/ Eckhart Tolle, Power of Now https://www.eckharttolle.com/power-of-now-excerpt/ Les Brown https://lesbrown.com/ https://youtu.be/HbZGhaep7FM Wayne Dyer https://www.drwaynedyer.com/ Philosophers Mix Tape https://youtu.be/PKVy4JBSerM Mulligan Brothers https://www.youtube.com/user/mulliganbrother Motiversity https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPByrKU5-R1emswVlyH_-g___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Big thanks to everyone listening! Remember, you're the most important part of the show. Leave us a comment, like and subscribe. We'd love to hear from you.

Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Crippling, debilitating, primitive, natural, and useful. How can one emotion be so many things? Fear can cause us to do things we wouldn't normally do. GOOD and BAD.On this episode, Cameron, Neight and Willy talk about the state of Corona Virus Pandemic and the Fear many of us may be feeling. How can we break down our fears to better understand them? What is the best way to manage the fears we feel? And when is fear actually a good thing?We also hear our dear friend Lynzi's WarStory and hear about the different kinds of fear that kept her from getting the help she needed.Neight also issues a weekly challenge to our listeners!Challenge:Write down three things that you're grateful for each night. They should be three different things for each day. Hashtag your work on social media to let us know you're listening! #theothersideofhellBe sure to leave us a five star rating on Itunes! You can always email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com and let us know what you'd like to hear us talk about!

Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Depression is a mother fucker. How is it we can still find ourselves down in the dumps when things are good? Or, what can we do when we find ourselves feeling like the world around us is crumbling? On this episode the guys dive deep into depression.We also check in with Willy and hear about a big part of his past that he's been able to reconnect with. Plus we finally hear our friend Ruthy's WarStory where she talks about overcoming mental illness in her journey to better self. Depression does not discriminate!If you are struggling with depression or thoughts of suicide call 1-800-273-8255 to talk to someone about it. A phone call could save your life.More information about the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can be found at https://suicidepreventionlifeline.orgRemember, there is no shame in getting the help we need. Courage to reach out in times of struggle makes us stronger, not weaker.Be sure to support the show by giving us a five star rating! We're working hard to get you more of what you love!

Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Does it ever feel like you're constantly starting things but stopping once things get boring? Or do you consistently do the wrong things, like put off that run or exercise to tomorrow? The good news is you're not alone.In this episode Cameron, Willy and Neight talk about the importance of staying the course and consistently doing the right thing, despite how you may feel about it. We check in to hear how Cameron's weight loss journey is going and Neight talks about getting back into healthy habits after getting out of jail. Willy weighs by talking about first eliminating what doesn't work, then establishing new ways of thinking by consistently doing the same thing over and over again.We also hear from Brad, a staple in our recovery community, about what his life is like today, on the other side of hell. Thank you Brad!Be sure to like and subscribe and leave a 5 star rating on YouTube! It helps us out tremendously!Thanks podcast fans!

Friday Feb 28, 2020
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Do you feel like everyone is judging you? Does it seem like you care too much about what everyone thinks of you? Are you quick to judge someone based on the way they look? Why?We're constantly passing judgement on people around us and ourselves. In this episode, the boys dive deep into the topic of judgement to hash out why they might feel the way they do and what they can do about it. We get an update from Neight, Cameron gives us an update on his weigh tloss journey, and the guys talk a bit about gratitude.We also hear from Dan, a recovering alcoholic, and he tells us his WarStory in spoken word poetry! Thank you Dan!Mad shout out to all of our fans! We're working to bring you more of what you love!

Friday Feb 21, 2020
Clearing Away the Wreckage
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Neights Back! After an over 3 month stint in the clink, Neight is back in his chair and he gets real with us about what it was like, what happened and what it's like now. Neight's raw emotion can be felt as he tells us how it felt to go to jail while in recovery and how he managed to stay sober through it. Sometimes clearing away the wreckage of our past, catches up to us in the present. Sometimes, even sobriety can't save us from making mistakes. Either way, its important to own those mistakes and clean up after ourselves. We also hear from our dear friend Whit, who shares what it was like to feel cursed for being gay and how emotional trauma really led her down the dark path that eventually took her to rehab. How'd she finally get out of her own way and what tools did she use to do it? Come find out for yourself!