
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that are uncomfortable. Circumstances that used to lead us into negative behavior. In a sense, we have to learn how to deal with these situations in way that doesn't cause more wreckage. On this episode, we Willy and Cameron are joined by Cameron's A.A. Sponsor Ben, to talk about how to deal with being uncomfortable. Listen in as we get an update on Neight and the gang shed some insight into their process of becoming comfortable being uncomfortable. Plus, we'll hear Ben's War Story! Tell us how you identified on Instagram! @theothersideofhell101 If you like what you hear on The Other Side of Hell Podcast, please give us a 5 star rating on ITunes. It helps us grow! Remember! We are on YouTube as well!

Friday Jan 03, 2020
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Friday Jan 03, 2020
"Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die"-UnknownResentment has been most commonly described as a multilayered emotion consisting of disappointment, anger, and fear. How do you deal with resentments? Are their such things as "justified resentments?" We often hear that we don't have the luxury of resentments, but what do we do when we get them? In episode 7 Willy and Cameron talk about resentments; what they are, where they come from, and how to get past them. We also get an update on Neight and we share our first War Story from a listener! Brandy talks about being a compulsive overeater, what it was like, what happened and what its like now. If you've ever felt like you have had issues with food, you'll want to be sure to check out her story! Follow her on instagram at @crazy.big.life

Monday Dec 16, 2019
A Vision for You
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Monday Dec 16, 2019
How many times have we all heard "if you want something, you have to write it down?" Well in this episode, Cameron and Willy talk about how they apply that principal on a daily basis to help manifest the best versions of themselves. A Vision for You is not only a chapter in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, but a tool that has been adapted to serve as a daily reminder of the direction for ourselves. Listen in and tell us how this tool works for you!We'll get to hear whats currently happening with Neight and we hear The Other Side of Hell's very own Jordan's war story!

Monday Nov 25, 2019
Q&A part 2
Monday Nov 25, 2019
Monday Nov 25, 2019
· This episode comes in two parts. We talk about our missing link, i.e. Neight is gone and we discuss why. Also, Willy and Cameron make an attempt to let the audience know a little more about who they are by asking each other a few questions. Mariah tells us her war story.· In part two, Mariah tells us her war story. Willy and Cameron talk about their biggest fears and hopes for the future. The guys go into family and Willy talks about what it means for him to be a father. He talks lot about his kids and why he and his wife raise them the way they do and what it means. The guys tell what they hope for as a result of this Podcast.

Monday Nov 25, 2019
Q&A part 1
Monday Nov 25, 2019
Monday Nov 25, 2019
· This episode comes in two parts. We talk about our missing link, i.e. Neight is gone and we discuss why. Also, Willy and Cameron make an attempt to let the audience know a little more about who they are by asking each other a few questions. Mariah tells us her war story.· In part one Willy talks about being an atheist and how he came to identify as such. How being godless helps him appreciate his recovery and life in general. Cameron talks about his higher power and what that means for him. His journey in church as a kid. They talk about what truth means to them. Cameron and Willy talk about step 9 from Alcoholics Anonymous: “Made direct amends to such people wherever possible except when to do so would injure them or others”.

Friday Oct 25, 2019
Perfectionism-Knowing When It's Okay To Seek Perfection
Friday Oct 25, 2019
Friday Oct 25, 2019
Do you ever find yourself holding off on starting something because you know it won't be perfect? How do we utilize perfection to our advantage and when does perfectionism begin to hold you back? On this episode the guys discuss their own thoughts on perfectionism and how they've learned to navigate its many nuances. Nate talks about expecting perfection from others, Willy explains being perfectly imperfect, and we hear Cameron's War story!

Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Self Worth-How do I find value in me?
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Self worth is tricky. Here the boys talk about their individual journeys in self worth, things they know to bring value into their lives, and things sure to destroy the value they find within. Willy talks about loving his body, Cameron talks about his struggle with food, and we finally hear Neight's War Story!

Monday Sep 02, 2019
Isms-Behaviors that keep you stuck
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Monday Sep 02, 2019
In this introductory podcast, the guys discuss "isms." Behaviors that keep you stuck. What do you do to combat the voice of resistance that seems to be prevalent in us all? Plus, we get to hear Willy's war story. Let us know what you think!