
Friday Oct 04, 2024
#155 | The Withdrawal Experience | Ronny's Warstory
Friday Oct 04, 2024
Friday Oct 04, 2024
Have you ever wondered what it's like to go through withdrawal from opiates or alcohol? Have you experienced it first hand? To say the least, it’s a sobering up like none other and often times, can lead to some pretty monumental growth. But it sure doesn’t feel that way when you’re going through it!
Just ask Ronny. In Ronny’s warstory, you’ll hear how quickly drugs become an everyday occurrence in his life, once he decided to partake. From there, his use would have him bouncing between moments of brief pleasure followed immediately by drastic and disastrous consequences. Hear about how he committed crime in a black out and woke up in jail. About how again and again rehab didn’t work because he didn’t care enough about himself to decide it was worth it. Nothing worked…. Until it did.
Tune in to hear what it took to get past the fear and embrace a life he never expected.
Thank you Ronny, for sharing your story!
To contact Ronny, look at Ronny Mezher on IG, FB or snapchat.
Check out our sponsors. By supporting them, you help support the show and keep us bringing new stories with more and more hope and inspiration.
☕Brainwashed Coffee https://www.brainwashedcoffeeco.com/
Discount code: otherside
👕 Stay Stopped Recovery Brand Apparel https://staystopped.shop/
All sponsors of the show give back to the recovery community.
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.🔥
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find help with overeating at a 12 step meeting for food
Refuge Recovery website
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
📸 IG: https://www.instagram.com/othersideofhell_recoverypod/
👍 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
❌ Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
🤳 Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Friday Sep 20, 2024
#154 | Seeking Connection | Mike's Warstory
Friday Sep 20, 2024
Friday Sep 20, 2024
Maybe you’ve heard that the opposite of addiction is connection. Why is that? What is it about connecting with others that fills the void? Could “connection” be what we’ve been searching for all this time?
This is the prompt to a great conversation, that is multi-faceted, humbling, and a good reminder of what really matters.
We have a great warstory from Mike this week who’s work in recovery inspired this topic. Mike worked in a workplace where drinking was a part of the culture. High stakes and million dollar accounts had him drinking to escape, so much so, that even traveling around the world wasn’t enough to keep him loving what he was doing. Here what it took for him to finally wake up to the idea that something had to change and how he did it!
Check out Mike’s website at Soberpress.org and on Instagram @soberpress
Check out our sponsors. By supporting them, you help support the show and keep us bringing new stories with more and more hope and inspiration.
☕Brainwashed Coffee https://www.brainwashedcoffeeco.com/
Discount code: otherside
🏃Valor Fitness Clothing https://valorfitnessclothing.com/
Discount code: worththework
👕 Stay Stopped Recovery Brand Apparel https://staystopped.shop/
All sponsors of the show give back to the recovery community.
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.🔥
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find help with overeating at a 12 step meeting for food
Refuge Recovery website
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
📸 IG: https://www.instagram.com/othersideofhell_recoverypod/
👍 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
❌ Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
🤳 Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Friday Sep 06, 2024
#153 | The God Thing | Jamie's Warstory
Friday Sep 06, 2024
Friday Sep 06, 2024
It seems to be one of the biggest hang ups to those thinking about getting help with a 12 step program. But is it really what we think it is? Or is our disease, once again, convincing us that we are not like others.
That’s right. This week, we’re talking about, the God thing.
This topic was inspired by the inspiring story from Jamie. Tune into to hear how her bottom had her compromising herself both physically, but spiritually and mentally as well. Living a life of chaos, Jamie was clueless of how good a life of recovery could be until she was finally put into a situation where she could let those who had recovered love her, and teach her a better way to be. Today she is an advocate for recovering out loud and shouts the beauty of life from the rooftops of all social platforms.
Thanks, Jamie, for sharing your amazing story!
Check out our sponsors. By supporting them, you help support the show and keep us bringing new stories with more and more hope and inspiration.
☕Brainwashed Coffee https://www.brainwashedcoffeeco.com/
Discount code: otherside
🏃Valor Fitness Clothing https://valorfitnessclothing.com/
Discount code: worththework
👕 Stay Stopped Recovery Brand Apparel https://staystopped.shop/
All sponsors of the show give back to the recovery community.
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.🔥
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find help with overeating at a 12 step meeting for food
Refuge Recovery website
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
📸 IG: https://www.instagram.com/othersideofhell_recoverypod/
👍 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
❌ Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
🤳 Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Saturday Aug 24, 2024
#152 | Putting in the Work | Kameron's Warstory
Saturday Aug 24, 2024
Saturday Aug 24, 2024
As it turns out, recovery isn’t easy. Maybe that’s why it takes some of us so long to get here. But once we become desperate enough, we usually become willing, and that’s half the battle. The other half? Putting in the work.
This week, we have an amazing warstory from Kameron who, as an adolescent, had more felony convictions than pimples on his face. Hear the crazy places meth took him, how he got sober, and why today, he’s willing to put in the work to stay sober. Life today may not be perfect, but it’s easier than it used to be.
Thanks, Kameron, for sharing your story!
Check out our sponsors. By supporting them, you help support the show and keep us bringing new stories with more and more hope and inspiration.
☕Brainwashed Coffee https://www.brainwashedcoffeeco.com/
Discount code: otherside
🏃Valor Fitness Clothing https://valorfitnessclothing.com/
Discount code: worththework
👕 Stay Stopped Recovery Brand Apparel https://staystopped.shop/
All sponsors of the show give back to the recovery community.
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.🔥
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find help with overeating at a 12 step meeting for food
Refuge Recovery website
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
📸 IG: https://www.instagram.com/othersideofhell_recoverypod/
👍 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
❌ Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
🤳 Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Saturday Aug 10, 2024
#151 | Terror, Bewilderment, Frustration, and Despair | Jordan's Warstory
Saturday Aug 10, 2024
Saturday Aug 10, 2024
It’s hard to describe to someone who has never been there just what it feels like to be at your bottom. The word “fear” doesn’t quite cover all the emotions that you feel. The big book of AA describes the Four Horseman as terror, bewilderment, frustration, and despair. Yeah, it feels like that.
Unfortunately, just getting sober doesn’t mean we don’t still feel these things. However, today, we don’t have to get drunk or high when we feel this way. Instead, today, we can recognize that we are on our way to a visit from the horsemen and hopefully, take the appropriate action to stop them in their tracks.
This topic was inspired by the amazing warstory we got this week from Jordan. Hear how Jordan navigated his alcoholism while being a pilot and why he was no stranger to terror, bewilderment, frustration and despair. Today, through the grace of a higher power of his own understanding and a program of recovery, he lives his life to help others and stay out of his own way, which seems to be a good recipe for maintaining some sanity!
Thanks, Jordan, for sharing your story!
Check out our sponsors. By supporting them, you help support the show and keep us bringing new stories with more and more hope and inspiration.
Brainwashed Coffee https://www.brainwashedcoffeeco.com/
Discount code: otherside
Valor Fitness Clothing https://valorfitnessclothing.com/
Discount code: worththework
Stay Stopped Recovery Brand Apparel https://staystopped.shop/
All sponsors of the show give back to the recovery community.
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Saturday Jul 27, 2024
#150 | Anything is Possible | Cathie's Warstory
Saturday Jul 27, 2024
Saturday Jul 27, 2024
Doesn’t it feel like in order to get sober, we need to smash all the ideas we had about ourselves and the world around us? I know it did for us. Along with that, we had to admit that we were wrong about some things- a lot of things. But once we started believing that we could get sober, we realized anything was possible!
This week’s topic is inspired by our warstory from Cathie! From an early age, Cathie always gravitated towards the party lifestyle. Hear what it took for her to realize she needed to change, and how once she began getting hope in sobriety, that hope spread to all other aspects of her life.
Thanks Cathie for sharing your story and allowing us to speak about our topic!
Check out our sponsors. By supporting them, you help support the show and keep us bringing new stories with more and more hope and inspiration.
Brainwashed Coffee https://www.brainwashedcoffeeco.com/
Discount code: otherside
Valor Fitness Clothing https://valorfitnessclothing.com/
Discount code: worththework
Stay Stopped Recovery Brand Apparel https://staystopped.shop/
All sponsors of the show give back to the recovery community.
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Friday Jul 12, 2024
#149 | Willing To Go To Any Lengths | Mel's Warstory
Friday Jul 12, 2024
Friday Jul 12, 2024
When we first look at getting sober, in most cases, the pain of using has become so great that we are desperate to change. One thing they ask you in Alcoholics Anonymous is if you are now willing to go to any lengths to stay sober? The answer is confoundedly yes.
But what about those of us who have been around for a minute? Are we still willing to go to any lengths when the pain of the last drink is so far behind us? And when the thought of using or drinking becomes less and less? And if we’re NO longer willing to go to any lengths, then what does that mean for our sobriety and our new way of life? Let’s talk about it.
This week’s topic is inspired by our incredible warstory from Mel. When you hear Mel recall his last drink, it becomes clear he is still willing to go to any lengths for sobriety, even though it was over 30 years ago. Perhaps there is more to surrendering that can carry past our initial “sobering up” moment and carry us into the life we’ve now found for ourselves.
Thanks Mel for sharing your story and inspiring this topic!
Check out our sponsors. By supporting them, you help support the show and keep us bringing new stories with more and more hope and inspiration.
Brainwashed Coffee https://www.brainwashedcoffeeco.com/
Discount code: otherside
Valor Fitness Clothing https://valorfitnessclothing.com/
Discount code: worththework
Stay Stopped Recovery Brand Apparel https://staystopped.shop/
All sponsors of the show give back to the recovery community.
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Friday Jun 14, 2024
#147 | The Importance of a Routine | Michael Sean's Warstory
Friday Jun 14, 2024
Friday Jun 14, 2024
In case you don’t know, we addicts tend to be creatures of habit. Oftentimes, without something to do, we’ll slip back into a negative way of doing or thinking. That’s why having a routine can play such a critical role in living a positive way of life 24 hours at a time.
This week, we got another banger of a warstory from Michael Sean, who inspired this topic. Tune in to hear how Michael-Sean’s journey from Pharmaceutical Sales Representative put him in a vulnerable position and soon had him compromising himself in ways he never thought possible. Today, he focuses on fitness and sending out a message of positivity amongst a community of like minded people.
Thank you for sharing your story Michael-Sean!
Look up Michael-Sean on Facebook @RockSolidRecovery215
Check out our sponsors. By supporting them, you help support the show and keep us bringing new stories with more and more hope and inspiration.
Brainwashed Coffee https://www.brainwashedcoffeeco.com/
Discount code: otherside
Valor Fitness Clothing https://valorfitnessclothing.com/
Discount code: worththework
Stay Stopped Recovery Brand Apparel https://staystopped.shop/
All sponsors of the show give back to the recovery community.
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Friday May 31, 2024
#146 | Your Concept of a Higher Power | Diana's Story
Friday May 31, 2024
Friday May 31, 2024
Early on in recovery, we learn just how sick we are. Hopefully, we also learn that its not our fault and that we don't have to stay that way. But a big pill to swallow can often be this idea of a higher power. What does it mean to have your own concept of a higher power? And why is it important to getting and staying sober? In this episode, the boys get into this sometimes controversial topic.
This week's topic was inspired by an amazing warstory from Diana. Diana grew up in a house with two alcoholic parents. It took her a long time to learn just how dysfunctional things at home really were but when she did, she turned to substances to change the way she felt. Things escalated quickly, and before too long, Diana would find herself weening off one addiction by amplifying others.
It wasn't until she surrendered and let go that she began her road of recovery. Tune in to hear her talk about her journey of letting go of a "church god" to come up with a concept that worked for her and helped her to stay sober. Today, recovery principles and recovery disciplines come first.
Thank you Diana for sharing your story!
To learn more about Diana and listen to her recovery podcast, check out https://www.rprdpodcast.com/
Check out our sponsors. By supporting them, you help support the show and keep us bringing new stories with more and more hope and inspiration.
Brainwashed Coffee https://www.brainwashedcoffeeco.com/
Discount code: otherside
Valor Fitness Clothing https://valorfitnessclothing.com/
Discount code: worththework
Stay Stopped Recovery Brand Apparel https://staystopped.shop/
All sponsors of the show give back to the recovery community.
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Saturday May 18, 2024
#145 | Relationships In and Out of Recovery | Kurt's Warstory
Saturday May 18, 2024
Saturday May 18, 2024
They say to wait until you have two years of sobriety before you get into a relationship. But what if you get sober at the same time as your significant other? Or are in a relationship as you get sober?
Relationships are hard enough as it is. Throw in the crazy that comes from an alcoholic's way of thinking, and you've got yourself a recipe for resentment, loathing, and irrational thinking. Just take it from Kurt. It was his warstory that inspired this topic today.
Kurt and his wife Diane used together and got sober together. Hear Kurt tell what life is like today as they navigate their recovery's individually, simultaneously. Next week, we'll hear from Diane. Tune in for that!
Thank you Kurt for sharing your story!
Check out our sponsors. By supporting them, you help support the show and keep us bringing new stories with more and more hope and inspiration.
Brainwashed Coffee https://www.brainwashedcoffeeco.com/
Discount code: otherside
Valor Fitness Clothing https://valorfitnessclothing.com/
Discount code: worththework
Stay Stopped Recovery Brand Apparel https://staystopped.shop/
All sponsors of the show give back to the recovery community.
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!