
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
#134 | Knowing When It’s Time | James’s Warstory
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
So you’re wondering if you have a problem with drugs and alcohol but not sure if you’re ready. How do you know when it’s time to get the help you need to finally put it behind you? While it varies for everyone, on this week’s episode we share a few of the signs we received in our own journeys.
Our warstory this week comes from James who shares what it finally took in order for him to surrender to the truth: drugs and alcohol were going to kill him. Today he tells his story so others will know that recovery is possible.
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Saturday Oct 29, 2022
#133 | A Recovery Mindset | Monica’s Warstory
Saturday Oct 29, 2022
Saturday Oct 29, 2022
What does it mean to have a recovery mindset? Well, think of it this way; when we were in the thick of it, all we did was think about using. We were constantly obsessing, obtaining, or using our DOC. Today we fill that time with the tools from recovery. Service work, community engagement, and helping others are just a few things that can help us in maintaining sobriety and keeping a recovery mindset.
This week’s topic is inspired by our warstory from Monica. She has found a beautiful group of people who support her in her journey as she establishes a solid foundation in recovery. Monica’s use of pain pills escalated and before long she realized it had taken over. Finding a community and deciding enough was enough has given her the strength she needs to help others who may be struggling the same way by sharing honestly what her journey has been like.
Follow Monica on Tiktok and IG @Monicafromtiktok
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Friday Oct 14, 2022
Friday Oct 14, 2022
It’s easy to think we keep failing at this recovery thing when we’re quick to go back to those old habits. Sometimes after multiple failed attempts to quit, we can feel hopeless. But all is not lost. Those attempts to quit are not in vain. They all make up the stepping stones of recovery.
This week we’re joined by Aubrey who sits in as guest host while we hear a warstory from Courtney. Courtney spent a lot of time lost in a world of drugs and alcohol. Time with the wrong people in horrific situations filled her with trauma but it wasn’t until she experienced a close personal loss that she was able to begin to dig her way out of hell and into a life worth living. Hear her talk about how every failure brought her closer to sobriety.
Follow Courtney on tiktok, IG and Twitter @courtnology
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Saturday Oct 01, 2022
#131 | Never Stop Seeking | Matt’s Warstory
Saturday Oct 01, 2022
Saturday Oct 01, 2022
Why do we get sober? What happens to make us finally decide that something must be done? And what do we do if it seems like nothing is working? We try something else, that’s what.
This week’s episode is “never stop seeking” where we discuss the importance of finding something that works for you. Not only to get sober and also to continue to grow once you’ve experienced a life of sobriety. So many people find it in a fitness program, heavy spiritual practice, or intense self work; the point is we never stop. For us, it would seem there is now middle ground. Forward or backward, and that’s it.
We have an amazing story this week from Matt who shared with us what it was like before he finally decided to get sober. He inspired this topic through the telling of his journey. Matt kept searching until he found something that was going to work for him. A way of living, of being that kept him successful and continuing to grow. Matt is on fire!
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Saturday Sep 17, 2022
#130 | Away with the Labels with Arielle Dyment | Tessa’s Warstory
Saturday Sep 17, 2022
Saturday Sep 17, 2022
Alcohol free. Sober. Recovering Alcoholic. What’s the difference? And does it really make a difference?
Today we’re joined by Arielle Dyment who joined us as a special guest host from Peru. We’re getting into labels in recovery. When we’re new to the recovery space, we can get really caught up in the minushia. Often, the overwhelming nature of “what to do” can keep a lot of us sick. We invite you to put down the labels and pick up something useful, like a mentor or sober coach. The labels do not serve us.
This topic was inspired by a warstory from Tessa. Tessa spent most of her life thinking she was a normal drinker having gotten caught up in the mommy wine culture. When the pandemic hit, her drinking quickly escalated very quickly. She was seeking treatment to discover what was wrong with her but it soon became apparent that she had to do something about her drinking. This thrust her down a path she could have never anticipated, sober now for 18 months.
Tessa and Arielle are both involved with a sober app called Lived which is designed to help those who think they may have a drinking problem but not sure how best to address it. Lived has information from Sober coaches and people in recovery all over the world that will help the sober curious know how best to address their drinking.
You can download the Lived app for free at www.lived.app
Check out the Sober Mom Squad here: https://www.sobermomsquad.com/
Follow Tessa on Tiktok at tessarlowe
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Friday Sep 02, 2022
#129 | Be Your Own Hero with Katie Lockhart | Katie’s Warstory
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Friday Sep 02, 2022
When we’re in victim mode, it can be easy to think that someone is going to come along and save you. But what if we’re wrong? What if nobody is coming? Do we face death or do we become our own hero? That’s what this week’s guest has done.
Katie is a domestic abuse survivor who has taken her power back and thrives in a big way. She joined us in studio to talk to us about being your own hero, what it takes, and why saving yourself can help you grow into the person you never thought you could be.
Check out Katie’s warstory and follow her on IG at @klockhart8 for more of her fiery inspiration!
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Friday Aug 19, 2022
#128| The Importance of Hope | Tim’s Warstory
Friday Aug 19, 2022
Friday Aug 19, 2022
Hope. For a long time, we had none. Then at some point in our recovery journey’s it was all we had. Something or somebody came along and we started to believe that recovery was possible and it fueled our next moves. The importance of hope can not be understated. That’s why it’s the perfect topic for this week’s show.
Today, we have an amazing warstory from Tim. Tim was more into skateboarding than drugs when he was growing up. His senior year he enlisted in the Marines and decided it was time to experiment. From that moment forward his mind-altering journey began. Tim couldn’t seem to understand why he couldn’t just stop. He would have to lose a lot more before he finally took the steps to build the hope that made up the foundation of his recovery. Hear him talk today about what life in sobriety is like.
Follow Tim at @tlodgen on IG to follow his journey!
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Friday Aug 05, 2022
#127 | Know Your Crew | Laurie’s Warstory
Friday Aug 05, 2022
Friday Aug 05, 2022
Man are we grateful for our friends in recovery. Without them, it's safe to say we may not still be here. The company we keep is our biggest support system which is why it's critical to know your crew.
This week, we’re paying tribute to those we’ve met in our recovery journey. Those people we find in the most unexpected places who have somehow found a way to shape our lives in ways we never would have thought possible. We’re blessed and honored to know them. All we had to do to get them was to give up our old ideas and abandon ourselves to a power greater than “I”. Today we find that in “we.”
Our topic this week is inspired by the amazing warstory from Laurie who is someone we’ve met through the IG recovery community whose presence we’re glad we don’t have to live without today. Laurie never really liked herself for reasons unknown. Having been raised in a big Italian family, she quickly became a people pleaser. When she found cocaine later in life it seemed to be the solution to her problems. It wasn’t long before she made the wise choice and gave it up in favor of a drink. Tune in to hear just how bad it got and what made her finally look at herself free of bullshit.
Today she has found support in the recovery community in her area and on-line. She recovers out loud so that others know she can be turned to in a time of need. Thank you Laurie for telling your story.
Follow Laurie on IG at @laurs_soberworld
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Friday Jul 22, 2022
#126 | The Illusion of Control | Matt’s Warstory
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Friday Jul 22, 2022
We all like to think we’re running the show. When we were drinking or using, it was easy to fool ourselves into thinking we could stop whenever we wanted. When the bottom fell out, we realized that we were completely lost and our lives had become unmanageable. As we began a path of recovery, we began to see control for the illusion that it is. Giving into this fact was a big step forward in our process of growth.
This week, we’re talking about that Illusion of Control, a topic inspired by the warstory from Matt of Sober Friends Podcast. Matt found himself obsessed with alcohol. Whether he was consuming or thinking about not consuming, it always seemed to be on his mind. The illusion of control kept him drinking for a long time, though he could never seem to successfully stay stopped. To hear him tell his story, you’ll see pretty quickly how we arrived at this topic.
Matt delivered his story with fire and truly has a voice for radio! If you want to hear more of it and get some good recovery while you’re at it, check out Sober Friends Podcast anywhere you get your podcasts!
Follow Matt on IG at @soberfriendspod
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!

Friday Jul 08, 2022
#125 | What Recovery Has Taught Us | Melissa’s Warstory
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Whether you have one year, one month, or one day in recovery, it’s likely that by now, you’ve learned some things. Even if it’s something we unlearn, each moment sober is a shock to the system and a change in our usual thinking pattern. Today’s episode is a deep dive into what recovery has taught us and how we’ve been able to apply those principles in all our affairs.
Our topic this week is inspired by a warstory from Melissa, a local Ogdenite with a beautiful recovery and one-hell-of-a-journey. A traumatic childhood had her experimenting with drugs from an early age. Always chasing that first high, her use escalated until the insanity began to overtake her. Having accepted death she wound up in jail which ultimately led her to a treatment center. Here how today she lives a beautiful life where she continues to learn how to live life on life’s terms and is constantly giving back to others.
Thank you Melissa for sharing your story! Follow Melissa on IG @goddesbeauty81
Thanks Hellions! Remember you are the most important part of the show.
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Be sure to tell someone you know that may get value from it about the show!