
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Oh alcohol. At one time, you worked for us. You did for us what we could not do for ourselves! But somewhere, you changed. You began to hurt us more and more! And no matter how hard we tried we found we just couldn’t quit you! Why?? You’re an asshole!!!
This week we’re joined by the amazing Amy C. Willis who brought with her some amazing insight into the curious relationship with alcohol. Not only is she currently a sobriety and mindset coach but she is someone who had her own mystifying relationship to alcohol which she so willingly shared with us on this episode.
Amy had a front row seat to the ugliness of alcoholism as a child and eventually turned to drinking to cope with not being able to deal with the emotions that often come with trauma. Years later, a life changing event caused her to look at her drinking with a new lens and she was able to swallow some hard truths about her relationship to alcohol.
We had so much fun Amy! Thank you for sharing your story and your time!
Follow Amy on IG @msamycwillis
She has an AMAZING number of valuable resources available here.
Check out the ACES quiz! https://americanspcc.org/take-the-aces-quiz/
Learn more about the book The Body Is Not An Apology
Thanks Hellions!
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Remember you are the most important part of the show!

Friday Mar 18, 2022
#114 | Don’t Take It Personally | Ashley’s Warstory
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
“Don’t take it personally!” This was a big one for us. We addicts and alcoholics seem to be a sensitive breed. We make it all about us even when it's not. Especially when it’s not! We self-destruct to numb the perceived slight that comes from others. Our inability to see things as they really are can keep us sick for a long time. Today, we remember not to take things personally. Easier said than done sometimes.
Our topic this week was inspired by the warstory from Ashley! Ashley grew up in a well-meaning religious household. She abandoned her faith after a heartbreak left her questioning everything. She quickly found herself in trouble and eventually addicted to heroin. It wasn’t until a prison stint allowed her to reconnect with her faith that she was able to reclaim her life. We’re blessed and grateful to tell her story here.
Amazing story Ashley! Thank you so much for sharing!
Follow Ashley on IG @hippie._.chick
Thanks Hellions!
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Remember you are the most important part of the show!

Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
#113 | Is Addiction a Gift? | Hilary’s Warstory
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Have you ever looked at your addiction and thought, “what a gift?” No? Well, it’s not something we’re often able to do at first but believe it or not many people in recovery are thankful for the growth that has occurred as a result of getting sober and living a life of sobriety. This week’s warstory is no different.
Hilary inspired our topic this week when she wrapped up her story with this idea that she was gifted this life as a result of recovery. After getting sober at a real early age, it hasn’t always been easy for Hilary to identify with other alcoholics. She did see something in the rooms of alcoholics anonymous that kept her coming back and when she started living life on life’s terms, she began to see life change as a result of doing the work. Today she prides herself on growing from every experience and it allows her to find meaning in all that life brings her way. This is an inspiring story you won’t want to miss.
Thanks for sharing your story Hilary!
Follow Hilary on IG at @as.hil.sees.it
Thanks Hellions!
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Remember you are the most important part of the show!

Friday Mar 04, 2022
Friday Mar 04, 2022
What was worse? The physical hangover or the emotional one? Hmmm. Lucky for us, both are a thing of the past. But in this episode we chose to spotlight the emotional hangover because it often ties into negative self-talk which doesn’t always just disappear just because you stopped drinking.
We are joined this week by Blair Sharp, aka @sobreityactivist, who talks to us about how the emotional hangovers seem to have gotten progressively worse before the end. Hear her tell her warstory of what it was like before, what happened and why she finally decided to be Alcohol Free (AF).
We had a hell of a good time talking to Blair and the conversation ended up going a few different places, including back to Junior English.
Thanks for coming on Blair and sharing your story!!
Follow Blair on IG at @sobrietyactivist
Thanks Hellions!
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Remember you are the most important part of the show!

Saturday Feb 26, 2022
#111 | Making Peace with the Past | Christina’s Warstory
Saturday Feb 26, 2022
Saturday Feb 26, 2022
Let’s face it. Most of us have done things in our past that we are not proud of. Okay. ALL of us have done things in our past we’re not proud of. Especially when we were in the throes of our addiction. Today though, we’re not the same people we were when we did those things. We refuse to let our past define us.
How do we do that when some of us have some really bad shit in our past? Well…. Likely, not overnight. It’s indeed a process but making peace with our past is something that we ALL do in order to have a better today and brighter tomorrow.
This week we have a hell of a warstory from Christina who shares what it was like when she was out on the streets doing ANYTHING for her next fix. From prostitution to robery, her addiction literally had her resorting to some behaviors that in retrospect seem pretty crazy, as they often do when we look at it through a sober lens. Here what it took to finally get her to take a life in recovery seriously and how she works to stay sober and healthy today, one day at a time.
Thanks Christina for sharing your story!
Follow Christina on IG to see more of her journey @majorchristina89
Thanks Hellions!
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Remember you are the most important part of the show!

Friday Feb 18, 2022
#110 | Overcoming Low Self Worth | Lauren’s Warstory
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Anybody else out there suffer from low self worth? Hard to say where it comes from but this overwhelming feeling of low self worth seems fairly common amongst those who struggle with drugs and alcohol abuse. Why is that? What can we do about it? How do we overcome low self worth? It’s a good question. Let’s talk about it.
Our topic this week is inspired by an amazing warstory from Lauren! Lauren always had low self worth and struggled to like who she was. Having never really fit in, she found solace in a group of friends that liked her for what she could do rather than for who she was. She quickly got into drugs and turned to crime to feed her addiction. Eventually she would wind up homeless, raising a child on her own. When custody of her child was threatened she was finally able to surrender to a spiritual solution. Today she proves her worth to herself through her actions and works to help others who struggle in the same way she did.
Thank you Lauren for telling your incredible story!!
Follow Lauren @4queen_mentality on IG!!!
Thanks Hellions!
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Remember you are the most important part of the show!

Friday Feb 11, 2022
#109 | Your Own Concept of a Higher Power | Forrest’s Warstory
Friday Feb 11, 2022
Friday Feb 11, 2022
When you hear the word “God” does it conjure up a certain image? Does it immediately bring with feelings of guilt and shame? Or is God something you’ve never given thought to?
Let’s face it, the “God” can be a complicated relationship for any alcoholic. While a higher power seems to be a concept mostly exclusive to a 12 step program, it's fair to say that anybody who is in recovery is utilizing their own version of a higher power. So how does that work? Can a higher power really keep us sober? Can we truly come up with our own concept of “god?”
This week we’re diving deep in to the idea of creating your own concept of a higher power, a topic inspired by this week’s warstory from Forrest. When you hear him speak, you’ll see that Forrest was raised on fire and brimstone. When he was first introduced to a 12 step program he was stuck confronting his old beliefs of what god was. Forgetting his engrained idea of God wasn’t the only notion he had to abandon before he could get sober. Hear how Forrest overcame the “god” thing to come up with his own concept of a higher power.
Thank you Forrest for telling your story!!
Follow Forrest on IG @sober_texas
Thanks Hellions!
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Remember you are the most important part of the show!

Friday Feb 04, 2022
#108 | Don’t Change What’s Working | Michael’s Warstory
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022
For many of us, getting sober is a process. Though we may know we have a problem and that we need to quit, that doesn’t mean it happens right away. Often, coming up with a formula to stay sober isn’t something we do alone. And when we find what works, why would we ever want to change it??
Well, as crazy as it may seem, we begin to question the work we do when it seems like it isn’t working like it used to. So what can we do in this instance? What does it mean if we begin to struggle even though we’re staying consistent? When can we let up and coast through our recovery? All good questions. Let’s talk about it.
This topic is inspired by the amazing warstory we got this week from Mike! Drugs and alcohol took Michael to some pretty dark places really early on. He bounced back and forth between parents as a kid, wearing his title of “the bad kid” with pride. Eventually he was introduced to a program of recovery. Still, he had to work up to the willingness to do what others suggested before he found a formula that worked. Now he’s hell bent on helping others and staying plugged in to the recovery scene.
Thank you for telling your story Mike!
Follow Mike on IG @michaeleemiller
Thanks Hellions!
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Remember you are the most important part of the show!

Friday Jan 28, 2022
#107 | Breakups or Breakthroughs | Scott’s Warstory
Friday Jan 28, 2022
Friday Jan 28, 2022
As we grow in our sobriety we can be faced with some difficult situations. Oftentimes we can find ourselves needing to separate from certain people, places, and/or things. Depending on what that may be, following through may be easier said than done. BUT on the other side of that often can be a new level of growth. That’s why in this week’s episode we’re asking, is it a breakup or a breakthrough?
This question is inspired by the warstory we have this week from Scott A.K.A. The Hope Dealer who reached out to share his story. Growing up in New York, Scott was always into something growing up. Booze, pills, gambling and partying, it didn’t matter much. Everything he did, he did in excess.
Today Scott spends his time sober, reaching out to others who are homeless, hopeless and addicted and gets them into a treatment center. He’s an amazing figure in the recovery community and we’re glad to know people like Scott are out there in the trenches striving to make a difference.
Thank you for telling your story Scott!
Follow Scott @sdblock69 on IG!
Thanks Hellions!
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Remember you are the most important part of the show!

Friday Jan 21, 2022
#106 |The Rehab Experience | Courtney’s Warstory
Friday Jan 21, 2022
Friday Jan 21, 2022
Are you new to sobriety? Facing Rehab but unsure what to expect? Well then, we have the episode for you!
In this week’s episode we thought we’d go back a bit and talk about what the rehab experience was like. Why? Because it’s here that most of us are introduced to the world of recovery. Finding yourself in a rehab center can be a VERY lonely and sad feeling. But for a lot of us, this is where we truly were able to begin to believe we could get better. And hope is always a worthy subject.
This topic is brought to us by this week’s warstory from Courtney. Courtney’s relationship with her father had introduced her into the world of addiction long before she would venture there herself. Denial would keep her in many dangerous situations before a moment of clarity following a really bad black out finally had her seeking change. In rehab she was finally forced to face the demons she’d been running from her whole life. Her life today is born from the seed planted from the healing that took place there. She is a true testament of how real change can happen when we get honest with ourselves and do the work.
Thank you Courtney for sharing your story!
Follow Courtney on IG @thesobercourtney
Thanks Hellions!
Excellent Drugs and Suicide resource from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/drugs-and-suicide/
If you have questions about how your condition can lead to suicidal thoughts check this out from The Recovery Village www.therecoveryvillage.com/co-occurring-disorders/suicide-hotline/
Alcoholics Anonymous online meetings
Narcotics Anonymous online meetings
Find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting
Refuge Recovery website
Substance Abuse and Mental Health services
Suicide prevention hotline
Domestic Violence hotline
National Human Trafficking hotline
More information about Human Trafficking within the trucking community can be found here:
Al-Anon information (support for families)
Follow The Other Side of Hell on all the Socials!
IG: @othersideofhell_recoverypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theothersideofhell101
Twitter: @TOSOHellpodcast
Tik Tok: @theothersideofhell
Email us at theothersideofhell@gmail.com
For more information about the show, resources, or merch check out our website at theothersideofhellpodcast.com!
Contact us if you have ideas for a show, are interested in sharing your story, or are struggling in any way. Seriously.
Thanks to all who support the podcast! Remember you are the most important part of the show!